
Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears(Grammar-Fun time)课件 (共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:10926592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears (Grammar&Fun time) Q1: Whose house is it? It’s the three bears’ house. Q2: What is in the house? … Goldilocks is afraid. Q3: Why is she afraid? There are three bears in front of her! Where is the baby bear? There is a house in the forest. There are four beds in the room. There is some milk on the table. There are two bears in front of Goldilocks. Goldilocks is afraid of the bears. Goldilocks is in the park. 根据课文内容,判断出现的句子并且改正。违规抢答将为对方组送上一罐蜜哦!加油! Check the homework: Goldilocks is in the forest. There is a house. What a beautiful house! Goldilocks is in the house. She is hungry and thirsty. There’s some soup on the table. This soup is too cold. This soup is too hot. This soup is just right. Goldilocks and the three bears Goldilocks is tired now. There are three beds in the room. This bed is too hard. This bed is too soft. This bed is just right. Goldilocks is afraid. There are three bears in front of her! Who are you? Help! Help! Goldilocks and the three bears Try to say soft hard Opposite (反义词) hot cold big small thin fat old new long short Grammar time This soup is too hot . cold bed hard soft This soup is too hot. This soup is hot, too. 学习小贴士: too放在形容词前表示“太”,too放在句末表示“也” Grammar time 2. The usage of “There is/are--.” 1. The usage of the word “too”. Think and say There’s -- in the forest. There’s -- on the table. There are -- in the room. There are -- in front of me. There is a house in the forest . some soup on the table are three beds in the room bears in front of her Grammar time there is= there's 仔细观察这张表格,你能说出there is 和there are的区别吗? 不可数名词 复数名词 单数名词 Grammar time There _____ a flower on the table. is 单词填空! 比一比哪一队的反应快哟! Grammar time There _____ some flowers on the table. are Grammar time There _____ a bird under the table. is Grammar time There _____ two birds under the table. are Grammar time There _____ a chair beside the table. is Grammar time There _____ two chairs beside the table. are Grammar time There _____ some milk on the table. is Grammar time There _____ some bread on the table. is Look and say There’s -- There are -- Dear Bear Family, Sorry for botherin(打扰) you last time. I would like to know if you have time to come and visit my house in the town. Hope we can be good friends! Goldilocks Fun time What’s in Goldilocks’ house? Please draw and talk about it. (Goldilocks的家里会有什么呢?发挥你的想象力画一画吧! 并和小组同学说说吧。) There are --. There is --. A new story! Three bears are in the town. They are at Goldilocks’ home now. :Hello! Goldilocks! :Hello! Welcome to my house. :What a nice house! : Thank you. Are you hungry? There is/ are --. Please help yourselves. 四人一组,一起创编一个新故事。 选好演员,把这个故事表演出来吧! 1 1. Draw a picture of your room and talk about it in the next English cla ... ...

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