
Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully. 教案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:74次 大小:16544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Unit1 They sang beautifully.教案 一、教学目标 1.能正确的听、说、认读单词saw, sang, had, went, ate, drank, listened, danced, beautifully, drinks, busy。 2.能理解并运用动词的过去式表达过去发生的事情。 3.能流利并有感情的朗读课文。 教学重难点 重点: 1.能正确的听、说、认读单词saw, sang, had, went, ate, drank, listened, danced, beautifully, drinks, busy. 2.能准确的运用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。 难点: 准能确的区分并运用动词的过去式 教学准备 PPT、微课设计与制作、外研社点读笔、EV 录频、电子黑板 四、教学过程 Warm up:watch a video What’s it about It’s about picnic. From the video,what should we pay attention to if we’ll have a picnic (中文阐述) Yes, the weather. We’d better go on a sunny day. Lead in A.Do you like picnic Why (抽一两个学生回答) Yes. Because it’s fun. Because I can play with parents and friends. Because I can eat delicious food. Because I can see beautiful things. B.What will you take food, drinks C.How will you go I’ll go by bus. I’ll go on foot. By car. By bike. By ship. D.What will you do Play games, dance, sing songs, doing Taijiquan, etc. E.What should we do before we leave help teachers clean the floor. Presentation. 活动一:Read pictures. Who are they Where are they What are they talking about Does it happen Where we can get the information Yes.”had” .Besides, What does ” last Sunday “mean Let’s see the calender. (通过日历让学生了解last Sunday的含义) So, from the pictures and the first sentence, we know they are talking about picnic which happened last Sunday. How did they go there? What did they see What did they do 活动二:Read and find “had, went, saw, sang, ate, drank” 活动二: Find old friend 找have, go, see, sing, eat,drink对应的过去式 Practice. Read the text. (1)Watch and follow (2)Read by themselves. B.Role play in groups. 首先师生分角色齐读课文。然后学生三人一个小组分角色练习并表演。 Production. Describe your last picnic with you partner. And fill in the chart. How did you go What did you see What did you do Did you have a good time why Why do we have a picnic It’s a good way to enjoy life. And have a good time with family or friends. Close to the nature. Homework. Read the text 3 times. Tell your parents or friends what did you do at school.

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