
2021年秋北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修一 课件 Unit 2Sports and Fitness Lesson 1The Underdog(38张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:203842Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog Period 1 What do you think an underdog is a a dog that is defeated by other dogs b an athlete who seems to have little chance to win c a company that never wins A story about an underdog Read Part 1 of the story about an underdog. Answer the questions below. Who was his favourite player How tall was he How tall was his favourite player What team was he on What kind of player was he on the team How was he treated by the coach Information about Paul: Favourite player Height Team Treated by coach Kind of player Tyrone Bogues 1.6 metres The Lions Like a weak player A replacement player Discuss in your group What were Paul’s advantages and disadvantages as a basketball player One advantage is _____ because____. One disadvantage is _____ because____. Predict what happens next. Reread the last paragraph of Part 1 and answer: What event is happening What is Paul doing In Part 2, what might “suddenly” happen at the basketball game Discuss in your group Read Part 2 to find out if your ideas are correct. Read Part 2 again. Put the following events in the right order. a One player got hurt and could not play. b Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. c “Give him a shot, coach!” d The team had won by 2 points. e “Let me try, coach! I won’t let you down!” acebd Write the events in the notes on P32 under the heading “Events”. Then note down the coach’s attitude with evidence in the right column. Events The coach’s attitude and evidence One player got hurt and could not play. Worried (“We’ve got no more players!”) Events The coach’s attitude and evidence One player got hurt and could not play. Worried (“We’ve got no more players!”) “Give him a shot, coach!” “Let me try, coach! I won’t let you down!” Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. The team had won by 2 points. Negative (“He can’t play!”) Hesitant (The coach finally agreed.) Hopeful (“It’s your time to shine.”) Excited, satisfied, proud, (…hit Paul’s on the shoulder …“big guy”) Think and share 1. What kind of player was Paul Find evidence from the story to support your view. 2. Why did the coach call Paul “big guy” What do you think the coach might have learnt from his experiences with Paul Group Work Work in groups of 4, and interview Paul and his coach. Two of you act as journalists, one as Paul, another as the coach. Work out the questions and answers of the interview. Act out before the class. Group Work 1. (教材P30) Paul had to try out many times just for making the team. 保罗多次参加选拔,想要入选球队。 try out   试用,试验 try for 试图获得或赢得某物 try sth. on 试穿衣物 try one's best 尽力 try one's luck 试试运气 ①Alison's trying for a job as a research assistant. 阿莉森正在争取一份研究助理的工作。 ②It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team. 这件事始于当一位老师建议我参加篮球队员的选拔的时候。 重点词汇讲解 2. replacement n ... ...

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