
If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time.( Section B 1a-2c)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:73次 大小:12401Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语精品课教案 Unit5 Section B 1a-2c 百泉镇中学 张梅 Unit 5 课题:If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time. 教学内容:Section B (1a-2c) 课时:The third period 授课时间:2012.3.29 课型:New lesson 教学目标:A:知识与技能 Useful phrases and words be happy,go to college. be famous as/for… travel around the world \ Professional make a lot of money \ organize work hard/ study hard Make conversation with “ if ” oral practice B:过程与方法 train students’ speaking skills Master “ if 条件状语从句结构 Listening and speaking C: 情感态度与价值观 培养学生树立正确金钱观、友谊观﹑生活观 教学准备:录音机、多媒体资料 教学重难点: 重点:词汇与短语,如 organize/ professional 难点:正确应用“If ”条件状语从句,既是本课的重点也是本课的难点。 教学方法:任务型教学法 教学资源:《新课标教案》《21世纪教育网》 教学过程:Teaching steps Step1: warming—up Sing English song <> and do some actions at the same time . Ask and answer . T: Are you happy What will you do if you are happy …… Then help them answer questions Step2: Look and say In our life we have different emotions let’s look at the pictures and practice conversation using “if” A: What will do if you are happy B: I will sing…… Step3:Free talk(全体互动) What will you do if you mak a lot of money then fill in the table. S1. I will buy a car. S2. …… S3. …… Step4: Money isn’t everything. Health and happiness are the most important(渗透德育教育) Step5: Study new words and phrases Step6: Listening practice(2a 2b) listen to tape and check answers. Step7: Do exercise Step8: Summary and “Give them a saying. “ 有志者事竟成” Step9: Homework Blackboard Design: Unit5 be happy be famous as\for work hard \ study hard go to college travel around the world

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