
Unit 1 In class Sound time & Rhyme time 课件(18张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:4376897Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 译林版英语三年级(下) Unit 1 In class Sound time & Rhyme time Quick response 游戏规则:快速说出你看到的图片或者词汇。 parrot open rubber sit down Sound time Presentation Can you find any words with letter “b” in this picture book big boy b ball birthday book robot Listen and imitate Big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books. b Try to read box brother bike table blue black bear Read the following tongue twister: A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 字母b在单词中的发音 Language point ball birthday book robot b /b/ The baby boy is Bob. The big boy is Ben. Bob is from Boston. Ben is from Britain. 词汇串烧 发音规则 /b/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流从口腔冲出,爆破成音。 位于词尾且前面有m时,字母b不发音。 如:lamb /l m/ 羊羔 comb /k m/ 梳子 拓展延伸 Rhyme time Open the window, open the door. Open your book and say “Hello!” Close the window, close the door. Close your book and off we go! Open the window Listen and imitate Open the window, open the door. Open your book and say “Hello!” Close the window, close the door. Close your book and off we go! Open the window Can you make a new rhyme Open the _____, open the _____. Open your _____ and say “Hello!” Close the _____, close the _____. Close your _____ and off we go! Practice 一、读韵句,圈出含有字母b且其发音为/b/的单词。 What’s in the bag A box is in the bag. What’s in the box A ball is in the box. 二、判断画线字母的读音是(T)否(F)相同。 ( ) 1. Bill and Jack have a brother. ( ) 2. Happy birthday, Ben. ( ) 3. This is my ball. It’s big. ( ) 4. Mary has a little lamb. It’s white and black. T T T F sound Summary 字母b在单词中的发音 01 查找关于字母b的其他发音规律。 02 Homework 完成作业课件中的相关练习。

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