
Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00. Lesson 1-2 课件(共54张PPT)+导学单+课堂练习(无答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:26283761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Book 7 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2 听句子,判断对错。 ( ) 1. I get up at 7:15 in the morning. ( ) 2. I have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. ( ) 3. I go to school at 8:00 am. ( ) 4. I have lunch at 12:10. ( ) 5. I have dinner at 6:30 in the evening. ( ) 6. I go to bed at 9:30 pm. 根据图片内容填写动词短语,补全一日生活的信息。 1. have amy get up :00a 8:00 am 2. 3. Schoo 4. have 11:00 am PfH School is over 4: 00 pm have dinner yif 8: 00 p 9:00 pm watch TV六年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 1-2导学单 一、学习目标 1. 你将知道: (1) 英文电子邮件的格式。 (2) 一日三餐的英文表达,即:breakfast, lunch, dinner. 在表达吃早\中\晚餐时,要用动词have,即have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner. (3) get up, go to school, go home, watch TV, go to bed等日常生活行为短语的正确读音及词义。 (4) School begins. 表达的意思是开始上课。School is over. 是放学的意思。 (5) am = in the morning 表示上午,pm = in the afternoon/in the evening 表示下午/晚上。 (6) 用I have/I don't have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. 的句式表达自己日常生活习惯。 (7) 字母组合ea在单词中的读音。 2. 你将理解: 时间对于我们很重要。我们要学会合理科学的安排时间,有规律地做事情,养成良好的学习生活习惯。 你将能够: (1)通过听力的方式提取出Lucy的个人信息,并能对Lucy进行介绍。 (2)在Lucy 和 Li Yan聊天的情境中,获得Lucy日常生活安排的信息,并能帮她用英文表述出来。 (3)借助时间轴表述自己的日常生活安排。 (4)熟练运用I+动词短语+时间(如:I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.)的句式介绍自己日常生活习惯。 (5)辨别和识记字母组合ea在英语单词中的读音,熟练朗读Lesson 2 的歌谣。 二、学习流程 Step1 情境导入Leading in 和老师一起玩猜谜游戏,唱歌,开始学习。 Step2 新课呈现Presentation 和老师一起阅读Lucy写给Li Yan的电子邮件,了解Lucy的日常生活安排。 Step3 趣味操练Practice 和老师一起做练习,巩固新知,自测反馈。 Step4 课后作业Homework Step5 结束语Conclusion 1(课件网) Unit 1 Lesson 1-2 六年级 英语 1. 你将知道: 英文电子邮件的格式;一日三餐的英文表达; 日常生活行为的短语;字母组合ea在单词中的读音。 2. 你将理解: 我们要学会合理科学的安排时间,有规律地做事情, 养成良好的学习生活习惯。 3.你将能够: 熟练运用I/I don't+动词短语+时间(如:I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.)介绍自己日常生活习惯。 学习目标 Let's get ready. 一、导入 It has a round face and two thin hands. One hand is short, the other one is long. Let's guess! What's the time Let's sing! What's the time It's eight ten. 二、教学过程 What is the girl doing Playing computer games Writing an email What is the girl doing She is writing an email. 发件人 Where’s the email from 邮件地址 704296046@ 收件人 Where does the email send 邮件地址 主题 What’s the subject ... ... Dear Li Yan, My name is Lucy White. Best wishes, Lucy 称呼 正文 问候祝福 署名 Let's watch and say. full name Lucy White Lucy White 名 姓 first name family name Li Yan family name first name 名 姓 full name age city grade Lucy White twelve London Primary Six Grade Six What’s the email about Daily life. Let's listen and choose. What does Lucy do in h ... ...

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