
Unit 9 It's one hundred 课件+素材(3个课时 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:67次 大小:21115599Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2021年秋湘少版英语 四年级上册英语精品课件 湘少版·四年级上册 Unit 9 It's one hundred Period 3 教学目标 (一)语言目标 1. 语音:操练字母Vv在单词中的发音。 2. 词汇:巩固本单元所学数字。 3. 句型:熟练运用英语表达一百以内的加法;能正确书写句型“It's one hundred.”。 4.篇章:能读懂E部分的文章,并能独立完成E部分练习,仿照E部分自编数学题。 (二)应用目标 1. 能了解字母Vv在单词中的发音。 2. 能综合运用本单元的单词和重点句型创设情境,用英语表达一百以内的加法。 教学目标 Sing a song: Ten Little Indian Boys Lead in Play a game:Find friends 教师准备好一些算式卡片及答案卡,如:78+10,12+15, 27,88等,分给不同的学生,并要求他们把卡片收好,不能让其他人看到。在二十秒钟的时间内,学生用英语读出卡片上的内容,找到自己的朋友(算式与答案配对),然后再把算式用英语完整表达出来。二十秒内找不到朋友者被淘汰。 1.Listen and answer.整体感知课文。 What numbers do you hear Presentation Let's Read and Write 3. Read and write.读一读,写一写。 We know the sum. It's one hundred. There are five numbers here. We know four:fifteen, twenty-three, twenty-six, twenty-seven. What is the missing number The missing number is____. nine 4. 自编数学题。 1.The sum is 80. There are four numbers: 20, 30 and10. What's the missing number 2.The sum is 50. There are five numbers: 5, 5, 20 and15. What's the missing number Let's chant. 1. Read.读一读。 Vv 发音要诀: /v/是唇齿摩擦辅音。发音时下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间通过,形成摩擦音。/v/是浊辅音,声带振动。 /v/ Vicky wears a vest. Vicky never has a rest. Vicky plays the violin. She plays her best. 2. Listen and repeat.听并且跟读。 3. Chant.读儿歌。 /v/ Vicky wears a vest. Vicky never has a rest. Vicky plays the violin. She plays her best. Vv Let's have fun 1. Read and answer. What are the numbers What's the sum 3. Let's write. Homework one two 听录音,说唱歌谣。 将“Part G”按照正确的格式抄写两遍。 https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php(课件网) 2021年秋湘少版英语 四年级上册英语精品课件 湘少版·四年级上册 Unit 9 It's one hundred Period 1 教学目标 (一)语言目标 1.词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词 homework, right,wrong;能听懂、会说、认读100以内的英文数字。 2.句型:能用“ Forty and twenty is sixty.”这类句型做加法;能用“ Is this right ”询问答案对错。 (二)应用目标 1.能听懂、会说“ Please think again.” 2.能用英语表达一百以内的加法。 3.能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 教学目标 Free talk: What's your lucy number 幸运数字 Lead in What is Miss Li doing Presentation homework right wrong Numbers!数字 two twelve twenty three thirteen thirty four fourteen five fifteen six sixteen seven seventeen eight eighteen nine nineteen 有什么规律? 1. 数数游戏:遇到含有4的数字以击掌代替 2. 神奇小眼睛 14 19 3 8 11 17 7 19 18 Games 1. Listen and say.听音,回答问题。 46+54= Presentation Let's listen and Say 2. Listen and repeat.听音,跟读。 3. Look and say.看一看,说一说。 four +six ten +twelve five + seven ten + ten Please think again. 4. Read and act.读一读,演一演。 Is ... ...

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