
Unit 5 Whose dog is it Part A Let's talk课件+素材(27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:35次 大小:62099341Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2 0 2 2 2021-2022学年度第二学期 人教PEP英语五年级下册 Unit Five Whose doɡ is it Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Let’s sing. ★ Look and role-play. ★ The children have a school art show. These are all their pictures. Mike and Chen Jie go to the art show. Let’s have a look with them. Listen and tick. Which is John’s picture ★ Chen Jie: Mike: Chen Jie: Mike: Chen Jie: Mike: The school art show is great. Yes. I like this picture. The trees are beautiful. Whose picture is it It’s John’s. What about the one over there I like the blue colour. That’s mine. Look at the buildings. Do you know them ★ Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠塔 Temple of Heaven 天坛 Where are the buildings ★ Whose pictures are they ★ Shanghai Beijing Listen and match. ★ Listen and repeat. ★ The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours Yes, they are. mine ours mine = my picture = our pictures It’s Zhang Peng’s. “……的”,表示无生命的事物的所属关系,如:the door of the room Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it of Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. It’s Binbin’s. Oh, yes! It’s his. his = his picture Are these all ours Yes, they are. Are these + 名词性物主代词 Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Whose is it It’s Zhang Peng’s. Whose (+物品) + be + 主语 主语 + be + 名词所有格/名词性物主代词。 Watch and role-play. ★ Ask and answer. ★ John’s Chen Jie’s Binbin’s Zhang Peng’s hers 她的 Mike’s Ask and find out. ★ Whose storybooks are these They are mine. Whose book is this It’s Mike’s. It’s his. Amy’s hers Chen Jie’s mine John and Chen Jie’s ours Mike’s his Make a new dialogue and act it out. ★ The … bag is mine. Are these all ours Yes, they are. Wow! That … bag is pretty. Whose is it It’s …’s. Oh, yes! It’s his/hers. Mike Chen Jie John Oliver Sarah ours mine his hers Are these + 名词性物主代词 Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Whose (+物品) + be + 主语 主语 + be + 名词所有格/名词性物主代词。 1. 熟读“Let’s talk”部分的对话。 2. 拿出几件家人的物品,与同伴一起,用所 学句型谈论每个物品的归属。 3. 完成本课时的课后练习。

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