
Unit6 Keep our city clean(Story time)教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:50次 大小:35846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Keep our city clean(story time)教学设计 教学目标: 1.能通过观察图片、体会语境,理解课文,并会朗读课文。 2能听懂、会说、会读句型:What makes…dirty /messy …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to… We can… 3.能运用所学过句型来询问、谈论和介绍城市环境的变化。 4.尝试完成关于城市环境变化的思维导图,并能依据上面的关键词复述课文。 5树立环保意识,践行环保理念。 教学重点: 1.能理解文章内容并流利的朗读课文。 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What makes…dirty /messy …makes…dirty / messy. What can we do to… We can… 3.能运用所学过句型来询问、谈论和介绍城市环境的变化。 教学难点: 1.尝试完成关于城市环境变化的思维导图,并能依据上面的关键词复述课文。 2.能运用所学过句型来询问、谈论和介绍城市环境的变化。 教学准备:多媒体、投影仪、PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in Free talk: T:Today I’m your English teacher .Do you want to know me Ask me .(课前适当的和学生交流,了解学生。) 揭示课题:Keep our city clean T:Today we will learn Unit 6 Keep our city clean . First , look at these pictures . Step 2 presentation 1观察图片,初步感知。 T: Miss Li is asking her students . Is the city clean Ss: No, it’s not clean . T: It’s dirty . 2 .激发思维,引导提问 T: Think : What else will she ask 3.Watch and find T: What does she ask (看动画找问题) (1)What makes our city dirty (2)What can we do to keep our city clean 4 Read and answer. ( 学生自读课文,分层学习) T: Page 58. Read and underline the answer (带领学生感知理解单词:messy factories dead) 5 What can we do to keep our city clean (学生自己根据图片获取信息,培养学生看图理解能力) Step 3 Reading 1Read follow the tape . 2Follow the teacher. Step 4 Consolidation 1. Try to make a mind map .(教师先示范,并可以结合板书) T: Can you show it to us Then try to retell the story. 2 Ss think some other ideas to keep city clean. Ss can use: We can/should... We can’t/ shouldn’t... 总结:Please join us to keep our city clean. Start from the little thing. Start from me. 3.Finish the proposal(根据时间,机动) Homework: 1.Listen and read the story 5 times,try to retell. 2. Make a proposal about keeping the city clean. 制作一份倡议书。 3.To be a volunteer, to keep our city clean. (成为志愿者,共建美好家园,从我做起。) 板书: Unit 6 Keep our city clean dirty smoke from cars smoke from factories rubbish walk / take …to move …..away from…. put …..in the bin plant more trees clean

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