
Unit 7 Tall Buildings Part B 课件+素材(共27张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:67次 大小:70853966Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2022年春闽教版英语 五年级下册英语精品课件 Unit 7 Tall Buildings Part B Listen carefully! Think actively! Speak loudly! Take notes! Class rules Warm up 开始 听写 同学们拿出一张纸,写上姓名,老师听写上节课所学单词。听写完成后,同桌互为“小老师”交换默写纸,然后打开书,互相对照书中单词批改完成后,写上“错几处”字样(全对写“100”),写上“小老师”的名字,上交给老师检查。 听写 听写 3 2 1 闯关成功 基数词 序数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve first second third four fif six seven eight nin ten eleven twelf 缩写 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th th th th th th th h th th 基数词 序数词 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen ninteen twenty thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen ninteen twent th th th th th th th ieth 缩写 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th This is Miss Gao's tall building. a: Which floor do you live on On the twelfth floor. b:Which floor does she live on On the twelfth floor. 比一比 Mr. Wang also lives in this building. Which floor does he live on 15th Mr. Wang They are neighbors. 邻居 W:Look.A ship! It's going under the bridge. G:There are many cars on the bridge. W:Wang tao L:lily G:Miss Gao G:Mr.Wang also lives in this building. G:On the fifteenth floor. L:Really?Which floor does he live on W:So you're neighbors. G:Right.We're good neighbors. Read it for one minute. Advice 建议 一分钟倒计时 50 60 50 40 60 30 20 10 correctly正确 ★ loudly响亮 ★ ★ fluently流畅 ★ ★ ★ emotionally有感情 ★ ★ ★ ★ Reading time.朗读时间。 Act the story. 分角色表演。 Read it in roles.组内分角色朗读。 Read it together. 小组齐读 Work in groups of groups. (3人小组自选任务合作完成) Tips:语音准确、声音洪亮、 表情及动作丰富。 Let’s show thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth twentieth Which floor does Tom live on? On the seventeenth floor. Sandy lives in a big city. There are many tall buildings in the city. Sandy lives on the nineteenth floor of a tall building. From the window, she can see the river. On the river there are boats and ships. She likes tall buildings. But her grandmother and grandfather don't. They say,“There aren 't gardens in tall buildings. × × √ 1.Sandy lives on the ninth floor. 2.From the window she can see the bridge. 3.Her grandma doesn't like tall buildings. Why There aren’t gardens in tall buildings. I’m _____.I live _____. This is _____. From the window I can see_____.I can see _____. 1.Words: also,neighbor Summary: 序数词thirteenth至twentieth Which floor does...live on On the…floor. Homework: 1.听课文录音,模仿跟读。 2.完成本课练习。 https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php ... ...

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