
Unit5 Parts of the body A 课件+素材(共39张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:90次 大小:71030173Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2022年春闽教版英语 三年级下册英语精品课件 What’s the song about Parts of the body.身体部位。 Unit 5 Parts of the Body Part A eye [a ] _y_ e an eye e How many eyes Ten eyes. Eight eyes. Twelve eyes. nose [n uz] _ _s_ n o e a nose ear [ ] _ _r e a lion’s ear rabbit’s ear monkey’s ear 狮子的耳朵 mouth [mauθ] m_ _th o u Good afternoon,boys and girls. Good afternoon,Mr.Monkey. Let’s draw a face. face Now draw two eyes. eye Then draw a nose and a mouth. Then nose mouth Then draw two ears. ear Why do they run away Then ... They see a cat, they are afraid. Act the story. 分角色表演。 Read it in roles.组内分角色朗读。 Read it together. 小组齐读 Work in groups of groups. (3人小组自选任务合作完成) Tips:语音准确、声音洪亮、 表情及动作丰富。 Let’s show eye ear mouth nose face Read and touch What can you see in your face 你可以在你脸上看到什么? eye face nose then mouth ear then quick response Touch your eye. Touch your nose. Touch your face. touch [t t ] 摸;接触 How many … can you see —I can see_____. How many … are there —There are_____. Touch,touch,touch your eye. Touch,touch,touch your nose. Touch,touch,touch your ear. Touch,touch,touch your mouth. Touch,touch,touch your face. Chant: You say I touch: 请男女生上台PK,台下学生说touch your…台上快速反应并指相应的部位,最先做对者获胜。 Touch your eye. Touch your nose. Touch your ear. Touch your mouth. Touch your face. Touch your eye. Learn the text What are they drawing? then 接着 They are drawing a face. 他们正在画什么? 1.Let’s draw a___. A. face B. faces 2.Now,draw ___eyes. A. one B. two 3.Then draw a nose and a __. A. mouth B. ear English sounds u [ ] run jump duck English sounds u [ ] run jump duck cup Practice: u [ ] bus chant / / ,/ /,run, run, run. / / ,/ /,duck, duck, duck. / / ,/ /,jump, jump, jump. Let’s draw. 每人一张纸,根据老师说的面部单词,如:face,eye,ear等逐步画图,学生边画边重复说老师说的单词。 sum up Words: eye nose face ear mouth then touch Sentences: Touch your… English sounds: u发[ ] 的音 Animals are our friends. We should protect them. (动物是我们的朋友,我们要保护它们。) Homework 1.完成Unit 5 Part A。 2.自画一张脸,标上各个部位。 3.朗读课文五遍。 https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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