
沪教牛津版七年级下册英语 期末专项训练 习题课件

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:1158190Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 期末专项训练 专项八 书面表达专训 牛津沪教版七年级下 一 二 三 提示:点击 进入作文 四 五 六 七 一、请你根据下面内容提示写一篇关于人物介绍的文章。60 词左右,可适当发挥。 提示: 1. 写一个你身边熟悉的人物,可以是同学、朋友、亲人等; 2. 写出外貌、职业和性格特点; 3. 你对他( 她) 的评价。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ My dad I love my dad. He is tall. He has black hair and wears glasses. My dad is a doctor. Every day he goes to work and helps sick people. Sometimes he has to work all day and all night but he still finds time to help me with my studies. He also plays ball games with me every weekend. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ My dad is hard working, patient and kind. He is a great dad! 二、假如你是Linda,你来自美国,现在在上海做交换生。你在美国的朋友Mike 对上海很好奇,来信请你介绍,请你给他回一封信, 要求不少于80 词。 提示: 1. 上海位于中国东部; 2. 上海是个现代化大都市,也是一个国际化的城市; 3. 上海市民很友好; 4. 上海有很多风景名胜,例如:外滩,东方明珠塔,金茂大厦,豫园等。 Dear Mike, _____ _____ _____ Yours, Linda _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Dear Mike, Shanghai is in the east of China. It is a modern city and there are many tall buildings in Shanghai. It is also a big international city. Many people from different places and countries come to visit it. People in Shanghai are nice and friendly. There are many places of interest in Shanghai, such _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ as the Bund, the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower and Yu Garden. If you come to Shanghai, I am sure you will have a good time. Yours, Linda 三、动物是人类的朋友,很多人都有自己最喜欢的动物,请以“My favorite animal”为题,阐述一下你对动物的看法。 段落提示: Paragraph 1: Describe your favorite animal in some words. Paragraph 2: When and where did you go What happened to you when you … How did the animal help you Paragraph 3: What do you think of this animal My favorite animal _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ My favorite animal It is important to get on well with animals. Why Because some animals can give us a lot of help. My favorite animal is a dog. It is helpful and friendly. It was a fine morning. Some boys were playing football happily in the street when I came around by bike. Suddenly the football hit me and I fell down on the _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ground. Then, my dog barked loudly. People sent me to the hospital as quickly as possible. A doctor looked me over carefully. Luckily, I was not badly hurt. My dog followed me to the hospital. I was deeply moved. I think dogs are people's friends. We should protect them. 四、空气污染日益严重,已经严重影响到我们的生话。请你谈谈空气污染是怎样造成的。80 词左右。 提示: 1. 车量增多,排出的有害气体增多; 2. 工厂排出的废气增多; 3. 大量树木被砍伐,树木太少; 4. 呼吁大家保护环境。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ These years, air pollution is more and more serious, and i ... ...

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