
Unit 2 What time is it? PB Read and write 课件+素材(17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:53次 大小:15172996Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) U2 What time is it Read and write P19 Mike’s day It’s _____. It’s time to _____. ____ get up ____ go to school ____ go home ____ go to bed Design the schedule as you like. 设计一份你喜欢的作息时间 It’s ____. It’s time ____. ____ get up ____ go to school ____ go home ____ go to bed But actually, …. 事实上…. It’s ____. It’s time ____. Read and underline the activities(活动)P19 Amy’s day Read and underline the activities(活动)P19 Amy’s day get up music class dinner go to bed Time(时间) 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Read,circle and fill in the time Amy’s day Activities(活动) Read and number 2 3 1 4 Amy’s day Amy’s day Read after it P19 (快!) (稍等一会儿!) Let's retell It’s time _____. It’s time _____. It’s time _____. It’s time _____. to get up for music class for dinner for bed =to go to bed 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. What do you think of Amy's day What will you say to Amy Amy, be on time (准时)./... Amy’s day What time is it It’s ten o’clock. 句子首字母大写 画一画,写一写。 句子首字母大写 Useful words: 1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.six 7.seven 8.eight 9.nine 10.ten 11.eleven 12.twelve 有用的单词 Write 根据Amy’s day, 完成对话。 把句子规范地写在四线格上。 Write 根据Amy’s day, 完成对话。 把句子规范地写在四线格上。 breakfast go to school music class go home go to bed music class 7:30 7:15 10:00 2:00 4:50 9:00 选3幅图片,仿照例句写句子。 Amy’s day 6:35 2 1 3 4 7 5 6 Time for art class. ( ) It’s 6 a.m. It’s time for dinner. ( ) It’s 9 p.m. It’s time to go to bed. ( ) Read and tick or cross Amy’s day music p.m. =It’s time for bed.

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