
Unit 3 Where did you go PB Let's talk 课件+教案+习题+素材(43张)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:73次 大小:89734320Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Where did you go Part B Let’s talk PEP版 六年级下 Game time ate fresh food went swimming by car took pictures bought gifts by plane 最强大脑之过目不忘: 20 秒记住图片和短语, 挑战记忆。 Free talk A:What did you do B:I _____. A:Did you____ B:Yes,__/No,__. washed clothes slept cleaned room stayed at home watched TV rode a bike read a book saw a film Let’s try They are talking about last winter holiday. Wu Binbin and Amy meet Sarah at school. Listen and circle. ★ 1. What are they talking about A. School. B. Holidays. 2. Who did Sarah buy gifts for A. Amy and John. B. Wu Binbin and Amy. gifts gift gifts Sarah bought gifts for Wu Binbin and Amy. A: Hi, Sarah. How was your winter holiday S: Good! I went to Hangzhou. W: Who did you go with S: My parents. We went to see the West Lake. I bought some gifts. This is for you, Binbin! This is for you, Amy. A&W: Wow, thanks. A=Amy S=Sarah W=Wu Binbin winter holiday winter vacation It was good. bought Let’s talk Sarah went to Hangzhou last winter holiday. What about Amy . Look and answer Q1:Where did Amy go last winter holiday Q2:Who did she go with Look and answer Q1:Where did Amy go last winter holiday She went to Sanya. She went there with her family. Q2:Who did she go with Look, beautiful Sanya Hainan is far from Beijing. Q3:How did you go there We went there by plane. 海南离这很远。 2906km far 远的 Listen and read Where did you go over the winter holiday My family and I went to Sanya. Really Did you like it Yes, it was so warm. Hainan is far from here. How did you go there We went there by plane. Sarah: Amy: Wu Binbin: Amy: Sarah: Amy: How did you go there We went there by plane. ·问: ·答: How did+主语+go (to)+地点 主语+went (to) +地点+出行方式. 主语+went+出行方式. 询问某人过去的出行方式及其答语 Q4:How was the beach beach It was beautiful/… Watch and answer more questions. 再次观看动画,回答更多的问题。 Q5:What did Amy do there Day 2 许多 She took lots of pictures . and went swimming took pictures went swimming went fishing ate sea food(海鲜) ate fresh fruit slept in the sun rode a bike bought gifts rowed a boat(划船) climbed a tree... Did Amy do anything else Maybe she ... Wu Binbin: Amy: Sarah: Amy: How was the beach What did you do there It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime Sure. Sounds great 听起来不错 sometime 在某时 Task 1 Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Binbin: Really Did you like it Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there Amy: We went there by plane. Binbin: How was the beach What did you do there Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime Amy: Sure. Listen and imitate Task 2 over the winter holiday took pictures went swimming 过目不忘 be far from here lots of Sound great! som ... ...

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