
Unit 6 Pets Period 1 Reading I (课件46张ppt+导学案+教学设计)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:16939525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 Pets Period 1导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Period I Reading I 教材分析 Reading板块是一篇有关饲养宠物狗的不同观点的短文。学生通过阅读了解议论文的一般结构和写作方法,学习阐述个人观点的表达方法。 学习目标 与 核心素养 语言知识 认读和理解单词responsibility和短语run free,what’s more;认识单词faithfully;了解短语need to be washed,bark more loudly than,all night,stop sb. from doing sth.,a small number of,own dogs。 语言技能 通过进一步阅读,深入理解并学习文本内容。 2. 运用适当的论据和论证方法支持自己的观点。 情感态度 初步培养思辨地看待事物的能力。 学习重点 通过进一步阅读,理解并学习主阅读篇章中有关饲养宠物狗的两种不同的观点。 学习难点 运用适当的论据和论证方法支持自己的观点。 重点单词 名词 1.投诉;抱怨 _____ 2.巧克力_____ 3.海豚 _____ 4.原因;理由_____ 5.责任 _____ 6.长沙发_____ 7.陌生人 _____ 8.选择;抉择_____ 动词 9. 回答;回应 _____ 10.造成;引起_____ 11.使发出咔哒声_____ 12.给(人或动物)食物;喂养_____ 形容词 13. 可爱的_____  14. 吵闹的_____ 15. 常见的;通常的;普遍的_____ 副词 16. 忠实地;忠诚地 _____ 17. 几乎;差不多_____ 介词 18. 据(……所说)_____ 词汇拓展 1. reason n.原因;理由→ _____ adj.合理的 2. respond v. 承担责任 → _____ adj.负责任的 → _____ n.责任 3. strange adj.奇怪的 → _____ n.陌生人 4. feed v.给(人或动物)食物;喂养 → _____ 过去式 → _____过去分词 5. noise n.噪声→ _____adj.吵闹的 6.faith n.相信;信仰 → _____ adj.忠实的;忠诚的→_____ adv.忠实地;忠诚地 一、读课文,完成下列阅读理解训练。 ( )1. Which of the following is Emma’s reason for keeping pet dogs A. Dogs are quite clever. B. Dogs can be trained easily. C. People can get lots of joy. D. People can become more faithful. ( )2. What does Matt think of dogs A. They are very lovely and friendly. B. They all hurt people. C. They leave their hair everywhere. D. They can run free in small spaces. ( )3. What can we know from Matt’s opinion A. Noisy dogs don’t need to sleep. B. Raising dogs may cost much money. C. People need little time to wash their pet dogs. D. People who live in flats usually keep dogs. ( )4. What is the main purpose of the passage A. To introduce Emma and Matt. B. To discuss the ways of raising dogs. C. To tell a story about owning pet dogs. D. To show two different ideas on keeping dogs. 二、挖掘课文考点,完成综合阅读训练 Emma and Matt give their opinions on whether it is good to keep pet dogs. In Emma’s opinion, keeping pet dogs is a good idea. First, dogs are so lovely that people would like __1__(hold) them in arms. Second, people can learn how to be responsible from keeping dogs. They have to do lots of work such as feeding them, training them and playing __2__ them. It helps people become __3__(responsible) than before. Young people can learn how to care for others by __4__ (keep) dogs. People who live with a dog can get lots of __5__ (happy) for many years. Matt disagrees with Emma. Pet dogs leave __6__(they) hair everywhere. And they need to __7__ (wash) often. Dogs are noisy because they will bark at strangers. Some dogs bar ... ...

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