

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:2352582Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 1.He is _____ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _____ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _____ (bad) at English. 2.Annie says Sally is the _____ (kind) person in the world. 3.A dictionary is much _____ (expensive) than a story-book. 4.Sue is a little _____ (beautiful) than her sister. 5.My room is not as _____ (big) as my brother' s. 6. Annie plays the piano very _____ (well). Sue plays it _____ (well) than Annie. And Sally plays it the _____ (well). 课前练习 Lesson113 Small change Emily Liu Trafalgar Square 特拉法尔加广场,英国伦敦著名广场,坐落在伦敦市中心,东面是伦敦城,北接伦敦的闹市索荷区,南邻白厅大街,西南不远是王宫。适中的地理位置和美丽的广场建筑,使它成为伦敦的名胜之一广场特色 特拉法尔加广场的特色之一是那美丽的广场建筑。这是19世纪初为纪念著名的特拉法尔加海战而修建的。1804年5月,称帝不久的拿破仑迫使西班牙舰队同他一道渡海进攻英国,英国军民被迫奋起还击。当这场海战胜利结束时,纳尔逊将军却中弹牺牲。 英国人民对这位以身殉国的民族英雄 充满了尊敬和怀念。 Trafalgar Square 特拉法尔加广场 Big Ben 大本钟 伦敦塔桥 Tower of London Bridge 白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace 单词讲解 1.change 1) v. 兑换(钱) 短语:change A into B 把A换成B Can I _____pounds ____ dollars here 2) v. 改变 change one's mind 改变主意 3) n. 零钱,找零(不可数名词) I want my change. (L59) 2.note 1) n. 纸币 a five-pound note 5英镑纸币 2) n. 便条 3) 笔记 (通常用复数形式) take notes 记笔记 3.none (三者或三者以上)任何一个都不 1)none of +名词 None of that money on the table is mine. 2)none of +人称代词宾格 None of them has seen the film. 4.neither adj. 两者都不… (置于单数名词之前) Neither answer is right。 两个答案都不对。 区分 both,neither,either both“两者都” neither“两者都不” either“两者之一” 口诀:th两者 n 表否 Practice 1.Do you like coffee or milk? _____,I'd like some water. A. None B.Both C.Neither D.Either 2.Are you free from Mondy to Friday Sorry,_____, I 'm so busy. A. None B.Both C.Neither D.Either 课文详解 课文讲解 I’m sorry, sir. I can’t change a ten-pound note. v.兑换 10英镑的钞票 Haven’t you got any small change (不可数) 零钱 否定疑问句 I’ve got no small change. I’m afraid. = I haven’t got any small change. I’ll ask some of the passengers. ...中的一些 will 表示临时决定 be going to 表示打算 - Have you got any small change, sir - I’m sorry, I’ve got none. --I haven’t got any either. either 用在否定句句末 Can you change this ten-pound note, madam 常用在句末 I’m afraid I can’t. Neither can I. 我也不能。 I’m very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. They’re all millionaires! get off the bus 下公交车车 get on the bus 上公交车 get into the car 上小汽车 get out of the car 下小汽车 Except us. I’ve got some small change. So have I. 我也有。 Lesson114 I’ve got none. 语法沉淀 I'm sorry.I've got none. I haven't got any either Neither can I. None of our passengers can change So have I. no not none 的用法 no是形容词,在句中作定语修饰名词。 no+名词 =not a/ ... ...

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