
人教版(PEP) 小升初英语易错题(无答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:65次 大小:18830Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小升初英语易错题 一、按课本句子填空 I want ____ (buy) a postcard. I want _____ (send) it today. I ____ (not)know. _____ me. A _____ (talk)robot. _____ a great museum. What ____ interesting film. It’s next _____ the park ____ Dongfang Street. How can we get_____ there Turn left _____ the bookstore. He now _____(have)GPS. Don’t go ____ the red light. You must pay attention _____ the traffic lights. How do you come ____ school _____ I come by bike. Take the No.57 bus _____ there. They’re _____ my cousin in the USA. ____ _____ and ____ at a yellow light. Stop and _____ at a red light. ____ at a green light. Some _____(child) go to school on foot. Some _____(kid)go to school by sled. What are you _____ _____do tomorrow I’m going to have_____ art lesson. _____ great! I have_____ do my homework now. We’re going to see a film____ space travel. Why not ____(go) on Tuesday My family _____(be)going to get together. My aunt is going to _____ (make) mooncakes. He lives _____ a farm. He _____ (also/too) likes singing. You like singing,_____(also/too). I’m going to teach____(he)the Chinese song. What are you _____? I’m writing _____email to my new pen pal . There ____ (be)a dance class on Sunday. He works ____ sea. She can _____(type) very quickly. What’s this cartoon _____. They’re afraid _____him. The cat is angry _____ them. Because the mice ____(be) bad. Maybe our cat is_____ a mouse now. What’s wrong _____ you Don’t ____ sad. Everyone _____(be)happy. Can you help _____.(I) There _____(be) a pet hospital in my city. Is this _____(you) bike They will_____(go) by bus. The bus is _____.(come) You must drive _____.(slow) Mike is _____(going) to see a film. Are they going by bus _____(and) on foot Two students like _____(play) football. My aunt is a _____.(science) He often goes to other _____.(country) He _____(have) a very healthy life. Sarah likes _____(use) computers. _____(be) your father here today She wants _____(work) in an office. _____(do)he live on the South Island He likes _____(read)stories. What are your _____(hobby)? Two students like _____(dance). He lives in Australia,but he _____(study)Chinese. What _____(a) interesting film. They are_____(talk) about a sport meet. They are from _____( I ) cousin in the USA. I have lots of comic _____(books). I’m going to _____(visit)my grandparents. It’s next _____(to/of) the bookstore. Now we _____(are/do) in front of Tian’anmen. Let’s eat _____(first/one). Can you make sentences with ____(this/these) words. Wu Yifan _____(but/and) his friends want to eat some pizza. _____ can I get there (where/how/who /what) That’s _____good exercise.(an/ / /a/one) How do we _____ (get there/ gt to there) I have _____comic books about space.(lots of/ a lot/a lots of)

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