ID: 12108434

Unit 3 We all like PE! story time 课件

日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:40776298B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 We all like PE English About me! ABC Super teacher Super teacher We all like PE ! How about you I like PE. I like PE. Fun, fun, fun ! Let's do and chant! One, two, three. Run, run, run. One, two, three. Jump, jump, jump. Super teacher I can teach _____ and _____. 教 Chinese Maths English PE Chinese 疑是地上霜。 低头思故乡。 举头望明月, 静夜思 唐·李白 床前明月光, Let's try! 容易的 It's ____. I like _____ . easy Chinese Chinese, Chinese. I like Chinese. Easy, easy. It's easy. , . I like . Easy, easy. It's easy. Make a new chant! Maths +2 1 +1 +2 Play a Maths game! 3 4 6 I like _____ . It's ____. Maths Maths, Maths. I like Maths. , . It's . Make a new chant! We have _____ and _____ . Chinese Maths today 今天 1. What lessons do they have today 选出他们今天有的课。 Listen and circle We have Maths, Chinese, English and PE today. 2. What subjects do they like 科目 Watch and tick PE English PE Chinese Maths √ Tip: 边看边及时打钩哦! 3. What subjects do they like Chinese Maths English PE Watch and tick I like Maths. It's fun. Let's check! English PE Chinese Maths √ 3. What subjects do they like Chinese Maths English PE Watch and tick √ I like Chinese. Let's check! English PE Chinese Maths √ √ I like Chinese. It's . easy Let's check! 3. What subjects do they like Chinese Maths English PE Watch and tick √ √ I like English. It's . Let's check! easy and fun English PE Chinese Maths √ √ √ I like . It's easy and fun. 3. What subjects do they like Chinese Maths English PE Watch and tick √ √ √ I like PE. Let's check! We all like PE! English PE Chinese Maths √ √ √ √ 3. What subjects do they like Chinese Maths English PE Let's think We all like PE! √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Happy reading! We have Maths, Chinese, English and PE today. I like Maths. It's fun. Let's read! Unit 3 We all like PE How about you, Su Hai I like Chinese. It's easy. Let's read! I like English. It's easy and fun. Let's read! I like PE. We all like PE! Let's read! Happy reading! Let's say! A: I like... It's... How about you B: I like... It's... Our timetable 我们的课程表 Chinese Maths English PE Talk about the subject you like. 和同桌谈谈你喜欢的学科。 Let's sing! I like Chinese, I can read and write. I like English, I can sing and act. I like PE, I can run and jump. I like Maths, it's easy and fun. I'm a super kid, a super kid, a super kid, look at me. I'm a super kid, a super kid, a super kid. 空白演示 Speaker name and title here We run. We jump. We play games. CONTENTS 目录 在此输入节标题1 01 在此输入节标题2 02 在此输入节标题3 03 在此输入节标题4 04 在此输入节标题5 05 We act. We sing and dance. We have parties. School is fun! Homework 1. Read Story time as fluently as you can. 熟读Story time。 2. Draw a poster of the subject you like and write “I like... It's...”. 制作一张关于你喜欢的学科的海报,并用 “I like... It's...”进行描述。 ... ...

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