
2022年中考英语真题限时阅读系列 每日一练(5)—议论文(泛读+精读)(含答案解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:100次 大小:152064Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022年中考真题限时练五 Today, most people in Western cultures expect to eat meals with their own set of silverware(银制餐具), their own plates, and their own glasses. People use plates to hold their food and drink only from their own glasses. But Europeans didn’t always eat this way. In the 1500s, members of the ruling classes(统治阶级)used knives to cut meat. Since they hardly had their own plates and bowls, they would eat the slice of meat off the tip of the knife. They would use shared spoons to eat soup and would dip bread or their fingers into serving bowls of gravy. There were a few rules for eating behavior. It was considered impolite to taste something from a spoon if it was being passed down to another person. If you had a bone(骨头)left in your hand after eating a chicken leg, you were expected to throw it politely under the table. When some of the Europeans settled (定居) in the North America, they brought this eating style with them. While the new settlers were sharing cups and dipping their fingers into bowls of food, European royalty and nobility(皇室与贵族)were staring to increase their tableware. They were also developing manners to go with their new knives, forks, spoons, plates, and napkins. They started to think of sharing cups or plates as unclean and even impolite. Their new manners made them feel higher than the lower classes. By the 1700s, these new customs had spread to wealthy American settlers. As new landowners, they wanted to have a higher status(身份)than they would have had in Great Britain. They bought their own dishes and silverware and brought them to America. By the late 1800s, mealtime manners had changed for everyone. As the American middle class grew, they needed more tableware to show off their wealth. There was also a complex(复杂的)system of manners by this time. This new emphasis on behavior influenced every aspect of everyday life. And what about the 21st century Do our manners continue to become more complex Maybe yes, maybe no.1. Which of the following supports the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 A. They brought this eating style with them.B. They were starting to increase their tableware.C. They cut meat with knives and ate it with fingers.D. They were supposed to throw the bones under the table.2. Why did the wealthy American settlers buy silverware and dishes A. They wanted to show their higher status.B. They hated to share cups and plates again.C. They hoped to become members of royalty.D. They made more money in America than in Great Britain3. What’s the main idea of the passage A. Mealtime manners are developing all the time.B. Mealtime manners came from the North America.C. Mealtime manners include tableware and table manners.D. Mealtime manners nowadays are much simpler than before. 【词汇积累】settle v. 定居 status n. 地位,身份 complex adj. 复杂的,复合的 emphasis n. 强调,重要性词汇运用 从“词汇积累”中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式完成下列各题。1.Th ... ...

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