
高中英语新课标人教版选修6全册(unit 1 Art-Unit 5 The Power of Nature)教案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:87次 大小:88360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Art Teaching plan I. 单元教学目标: Talk about art and galleries Talk about likes and preferences Learn words in families Use the subjunctive mood Write a letter to give suggestions II. 目标语言 功能句式。 Talk about likes and preference: I’d prefer…/ I’d rather…/ I’d like…/ which would you prefer…./ I really prefer…/ would you rather…/ would you like…or… 2. 词汇 abstract, sculpture, gallery, consequently, belief, consequent, convince, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, nowadays, attempt, predict, aggressive , scholar… 3. 语法: the subjunctive mood if I were you…./ I wish I could… 4. 重点句子 there are so many different styles of western art it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text. people became focused more on human and less on religion. if the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. at the time they were created, the impressionists’ painting were controversial but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we now call “modern art”. it is amazing that so many great works of art from late-19th century to 21st century could be contained in the same museum. IV.课型设计与课时安排 1st period Warming up and reading 2nd period Language study 3rd period Grammar 4th period Using language 分课时教案 The First Period Warming up Reading Teaching goals: To enable the students to have a knowledge of the short history of Western painting. To improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching important & difficult points Enable the Ss to talk about the short history of Western painting Teaching methods Skimming and scanning; individual, pair or group work; discussion Teaching aids A computer, a tape recorder and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways Step I Lead-in To lead in such a topic by mentioning the sculptures or paintings around the students, for example, sculptures on the campus, famous paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor of the school building, etc. Ask Ss to figure out their functions and the general term to call them--the works of art Step II Warming-up Show some famous paintings and ask : Do you know the following famous paintings and painters Mona Lisa Smile → Leonardo Da Vinci (Italian, 1452-1519) Sunflowers & starry night → Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853-1890) Water Lilies → Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) Dream & Seated woman → Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) Ask: Can you tell the ages of the paintings Say : Today we’ll learn about the short history of western painting. Step III Reading 1. Comparison: Make a comparison of Western and Chinese painting and ask: Which do you think has a greater change Why 2. Scanning Read Para. 1, and answer the question. Scan Para2-5, and find the representative artists and the features of their paintings. Names of Ages Time Artist Feature The Middle Ages 5th to 15th century Giotto Di Bondone religious, realistic The Renaissance 15th to 16th century Massaccio perspective ... ...

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