
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit4 History And Traditions介绍地点写作学案(含答案)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:90次 大小:53760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修二Unit 4 地点介绍类写作 基本结构: 第一段:总体简介。 第二段:展开描述一位置、面积、环境、交通、人口、历史、名胜古迹及特色。 第三段:结合写作要求进行结尾。 常见开头句式: 1. I'm glad you're interested to know something about my hometown... 2. I'm now making a brief introduction about... 3. It is located/situated /lies in..., with an area of.. 4. It covers an area of ... with a history of .. 5.Located in... and covering an area of one of China's most famous scenic spots. 6. The history of .. dates back to .. 7. It has become the most popular tourist attraction since.... 8.Located in the northwest of...,... 9. It is located in/on... 10. It is...in size. 11. It has a history of... 12.It is home to... 常见正文句式: 1. There are many places of interest, such as... 2. You can enjoy .. which has a high reputation both at home and abroad. 3. With..,.... is/are attracting more and more tourists. 4. An interesting feature of .. is... 5. With its pleasant climate, rich natural resources and beautiful scenery.... is one of China's major tourist cities. 6. A trip along... will enable you to get to know... 7. in addition/ besides/then/ furthermore/ moreover/what is more/for example/for Instance/obviously/in other words 8. To take...for an example /instance.. 常见结尾句式: 1. I hope that some day you'll come to visit this city. 2.I hope that you can pay a visit to...if you have time in the near future. 3. in a word/ in general/ in short/ above all/ after all//generally speaking/ in conclusion/ in summary /therefore/as a result /on the whole/ On account of this ,we can find that... 4.. is well worth visiting. 5.... is a place you have to visit and the extraordinary view will make you unwilling to leave. 身手小试: 1. In the west suburbs of the city_____. That is my hometown. 市西郊有一个小村子,那就是我的家乡。 2. _____in our village in the past/last 20 years. 在过去的20年里,我们村子发生了翻天覆地的变化。 3. Now my hometown_____. 如今,我的家乡变得富裕、美丽。 4._____Xiamen is a coastal city with a long history. 厦门位于福建省东部,是一个具有悠久历史的沿海城市。 5.It_____5,271 square kilometres with a population of about 3. 5 million. 它占地总面积是5271平方千米,人口约为350万。 6. There are_____ in Shanwei, among which are the Fengshan Temple and Red Bay. 汕尾市有很多著名的旅游胜地,如凤山祖庙、红海湾等 实战演练: 假定成都是你的家乡,你想要把你的家乡介绍给大家,请你根据提示写一篇介绍成都的短文 1.所在位置:中国西南部; 2.主要特点:气候温和,适合旅游;历史悠久;熊猫故乡;美食之都; 3现代城市:高楼大厦,购物中心林立;各种交通方式都很方便,近年来共开通了4条地铁线路; 4生活方式:闲适的生活方式给所有来访者留下深刻印象 注意: 1.词数100左右,文章的开头语已经给出,不计入总词数; 2.不要逐字翻译,表达清楚要点即可; 3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 I'm glad you're interested to know something about my hometown Chengdu. 思路点拨: 主题 体裁 人称 时态 布局 第一部分:点明写作目的介绍你的家乡成都;第二部分:介绍成都的地理位置、主要特点,现代城市情况以及生活方式;第三部分:提出希望。 用本单元所学单词或短语填空 1 ... ...

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