
【希沃原创】Module 11 Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them课件(希沃版)+PPT图片版(共17张PPT)+音视频

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:46604033Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) When you're in Rome,do as the Romes do. 入乡随俗 U就 名 Module 11 Body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them. 一些 (欢迎他们) 的方式 6 词汇 阅读 语法 表达 名 uwu. hair头发 head(头) 3 Say and nose(鼻子) touch eyes(眼睛) ear耳朵 finger(手指头 mouh(嘴巴) 2 arm in arm 臂挽臂的 hand(手) chin(下巴) face to face 面对面的 face脸 arm(胳膊) shoulder by shoulder tooth牙齿 肩并肩的 on foot走路 knee膝盖 leg(腿) give me a hand 帮我一把 27世纪载有 uwu. foot(脚) 1 一点也不 Shakespear and Mark Twain not at all afe foreign writers,they are ad山.礼貌的 polite ad.某处 somewhere foreigners v.挥手 wave ad.外国的 foreign n.事实 fact 北美人 North American 事实上 in fact ad.私人的 personal n.粗鲁的 rude 南美人 South American v带来 bring (brought) v.握着 hold (held) v.移动 move W6 should speak to others politely 英国 it's"impolite to shout at others. Britain 己1熙苏想 0000000 子 的 SCHOOL BUS ○ 的 1 阅读 2.Answer the questions in Activity 2. Stand Touch each Look at people close other when talking 2 Britain 3 Middle East South America 4 US www.21cn.9.com 1 Britain, fact, foreign, hold, move personal, polite, rude, someone, wave L:People from (foreign countries have different body language from us.In()Britain people don't like to touch other people,but in South America they like to (3)hold on to you so you can't(4) move away.Remember to give(5,someone from North America lots of (personal space.In some countries it isn't (7)polite to look at people when you talk.And it isn't polite to ()wave goodbye in Greece.In fact,it's quite (10 rude! 27世纪 uww.

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