

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:23次 大小:52732Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教PEP版小学英语 暑假四升五衔接专项复习题———《阅读选择(二)》 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ Hello, I'm Tim. I'm 12 years old. I get up at 6 o'clock every morning. Oh, it's six thirty. It's time for breakfast. I go to school with my sister at six fifty. My classroom is on the second floor. It's a new classroom. There are two blackboards, four fans, six lights, many desks and chairs in it. It's nine o'clock. It's time for English class. I like English and my English teacher. 1.Tim likes _____. ( ) A.music B.maths C.English 2.Tim _____ at 6:50. ( ) A.gets up B.has breakfast C.goes to school 3.Tim goes to school with _____. ( ) A.his friend B.his father C.his sister 4.How many fans are there in Tim's classroom ( ) A.2. B.4. C.6. 5._____ is on the second floor. ( ) A.The art room B.The classroom C.The music room My father has a farm. There are many animals and fruits. He has seven cows, two horses, ten pigs and one hundred (百) ducks. There are many hens on the farm, and many eggs too. Look! There are fruit trees. Every year, my brother and I can eat many fruits. I like peaches best. My brother likes oranges best. There is a little dog on the farm. My brother and I often play with him. 6._____ has a farm. ( ) A.My father B.My brother C.My uncle 7.There are many _____ on the farm. ( ) A.animals B.fruits C.animals and fruits 8.My father has _____ cows. ( ) A.ten B.seven C.two 9.I like _____ best. ( ) A.oranges B.eggs C.peaches 10.My brother and I often play with _____. ( ) A.a dog B.a hen C.a cow Hi, Mary! How are you I miss you very much. I'm in Sydney now. It is raining today. And it will be warm and sunny tomorrow. Then (然后) I can swim outside, because the water is warm. What's the weather like in Beijing Is it windy or snowy Can you make a snowman Hi, Peter! I am fine. I miss you, too. It's winter in Beijing. It's cold and snowy. The snow is very beautiful. I can play in it and I can make a snowman. It's fun. 11.It's _____ today in Sydney. ( ) A.rainy B.sunny C.cloudy 12.Peter can _____ outside tomorrow. ( ) A.play B.swim C.make a snowman 13.Mary is in _____. ( ) A.Sydney B.Shanghai C.Beijing 14.It's _____ today in Beijing. ( ) A.hot and sunny B.cool and windy C.cold and snowy 15.Can Mary play in the snow ( ) A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can't. C.We don't know(知道). Hello, my name is Sarah. I get up at 6:30. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen (食堂) at 11:55 at school. I go home at 4:50. I have dinner at 7:00. I go to bed at 9:30. 16.Sarah gets up at _____. ( ) A.6:30 B.6:50 C.7:00 17.Sarah has _____ at 7:10. ( ) A.lunch B.breakfast C.dinner 18.Sarah has _____ classes all day. ( ) A.four B.six C.seven 19.Sarah has lunch _____. ( ) A.at school B.at home C.in the library 20.Sarah goes to bed at _____. ( ) A.7:00 B.9:30 C.9:50 Hi, Welc ... ...

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