
作业02:必修一Unit2 Let's talk teens-2022年【暑假分层作业】新高二英语(译林版2020必修)(原卷+解析卷)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:19次 大小:2355147Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 第02练 必修一Unit 2 Let's talk teens ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / ) 1. with 与……战斗 2. 在某事上与某人观点一致 with sb. on sth.同意某人某事 3. argue v. n. with 出卷网 sb. about sth.=have an with sb. about sth.与某人争论某事 4. tension n. a./v. 5. anxious a. n. be anxious/eager sth.= to do sth.=have a desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 be anxious/eag 出卷网er sth.=desire for sth.=have a desire sth.渴望得到…… 6. a rate of以……的速率 7. shoot-shot-shot 快速长高 8. 在现场 9. be at doing sth. 目的是做某事 10. anger n. a. ad. be angry 对……生气 11. and physical health 心理和生理健康 12. struggle sth.挣扎做某事 with sb. for sth.为……和……斗争 13. a visit= visit 有规律的来访 14. calm 平静下来 保持平静 15. one’s point of view=in one’s 从某人的观点出发 鸟瞰 view… …把……看作…… 16. think sth. 全盘考虑,想透 think 三思 think of 想起 17. concern n./v. concerned a. concerning prep. be concerned 与……有关联 be concerned 关心…… 18. 认输,承认错误 19. return to 恢复正常 20. stress n./v. a. under 处于压力下 21. 故意地 be to do sth. 目的是做某事 22. be in/on/at 擅长…… 23. be to do sth.很可能做某事 24. be to 对……来说是独一无二的 25. passive 反 26. 变得高兴,振奋起来 27. sb. to do sth.逼迫某人做某事 28. 烦扰,缠磨 29. bank 银行账户 解释;占比;导致 由于,因为 30. secure a. n. 31. from从……毕业 32. volunteer n./v. a. ad. volunteer 自愿做某事 33. out想出; 理解; 弄清 34. 提取,支取 35. operation n. v. 36. in to= to回应 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / ) I 单词拼写 1. His a was that public spending must be reduced.21世纪教育网版权所有 2. S and lack of sleep can make you feel more tired.21教育网 3. Anxiety has a m and physical influence.2-1-c-n-j-y 4. Take r exercise and you will be more healthier.21·世纪*教育网 5. He has such a u style of singing that nobody can forget it.21*cnjy*com 6. It's not l to rain today according to the weather report.21·cn·jy·com 7. He deals with e quickly because he used to be a doctor.2·1·c·n·j·y 8. P smoking can be harmful too. 9. This voyage was the most exciting (冒险经历) of their lives. 10. The missiles missed their (目标). 11. They wanted to (设计) a machine that was both attractive and practical. 12. Smiling and laughing 出卷网has actually been shown to relieve (紧张) and stress. 13. They had almost r 出卷网eached the boat when a figure (奔) past them. 14. The meeting was called in (回应) to a request from board 15. We should stick to the principles and be (灵活的) as well. II 单句语法填空 1. The teacher got (anger) that Jenny was late again. 2. She won the firs pr 出卷网ize for her great (perform) in the film. 3. I am thankful to 出卷网 those people who gave me much (encourage) when I was in trouble.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 4. The company needs better manegement rather money.【版权所有:21教育】 5. We have to adapt 出卷网 local customs when travelling in foreign countries. 6. Strict (secure) measures are taken in this city to protect citizens. 7. my point o 出卷网f view, wearing masks is ... ...

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