
牛津译林版 九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world. Reading 课件 (共12张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:21次 大小:2342772Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Music without boundaries Reading I Unit 5 Art world award music 颁奖音乐 composer作曲家 a medal was presented to a winner vt.颁发 an ancient Chinese bell an instrument 乐器 common objects 普通的 物体 stone 石头 boundary 边界 中国古代编钟 in a western style Fast reading Who is the article about 2. What is he Tan Dun. A composer. The award music for (Para1&5) 1 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(Para3) 2 Water (Para4) 3 Para 1 An introduction Discussion: What makes him create so many famous works of music 3. What works of music of Tan Dun are mentioned(提到) in article interest He loves the sounds from the nature. He made music with common objects. blowing wind rushing water has a great influence on his later music. Para 2 special education 1. Tan Dun studied at Certral Conservatory of Music in Beijing in 1978. 2. Tan Dun went on to study in the USA in 1986. 中央音乐学院 Eastern music education Hometown Beijing America China Western music education Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Para 3 Tan Dun’s works of music (Para4) amazing is made by over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. doesn’t use any music instruments Water Tan Dun’s works of music (Para4) amazing is made by over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. doesn’t use any music instruments Water create different pictures in different minds. music without instruments Tan Dun’s role & achievements (Para5-6) music_____ _____ 1. He has helped_____ _____ _____ 2. In his works, … all mix together without boundaries east west past present musical instruments common objects build a bridge. 走近自然 师法自然 东西方文化 传统文化&现代文化 如何创新 Music without boundaries! A reflection of culture! Art without boundaries! his special interest in music when he was young get Eastern music education in China receive Western music education in the USA win an Oscar the award music for 2008 Olympic Games the music Water help build a bridge between the East and the West make a new type of music--music without boundaries Discussion 1.What do you think is the most important to Tan Dun Why 2. What can we learn from his success You must believe in yourself. It is never easy to achieve the success! … interest chance hard work failure education experience success Write down your understanding of “Music without boundaries”. Read the article and try to retell the article. Homework

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