
Unit8 At Christmas Story time 表格式教案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:16次 大小:57344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题或教学内容 Unit8 At Christmas 课时 3 教学目标:1) 通过学习,让学生能熟练朗读课文,能在课文情境中理解Story time。2) 通过学习,让学生能在文本语境中理解,会读以下词汇: Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, turkey, pudding, have a good time.3) 能够理解并初步运用表示时间顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally有条理地描述圣诞节的活动。4)培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生阅读英语故事的兴趣。让学生了解西方圣诞节相关习俗,培养学生跨文化交际能力。 教学重点、难点:1. 能够运用一定的阅读策略,在文本情境中阅读和理解Story time.2. 能运用表示时间先后的顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally有条理地描述事情经过。 教具、学具准备: PPT, 圣诞图片 Unit8 At ChristmasChristmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, turkey, pudding,First 图——— Next图——— Then 图——— Finally图 作业布置:We don’t have any homework today. Because today is Christmas. Do you like this present 教学后记: 教 学 过 程 二次备课 第一课时 课时目标 1) 通过学习,让学生能熟练朗读课文,能在课文情境中理解Story time。2) 通过学习,让学生能在文本语境中理解,会读以下词汇: Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, 3) 能够理解并初步运用表示时间顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally有条理地描述圣诞节的活动。 Step 1 Warming up and pre-reading1)T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher today. You can call me “Mandy”. Ss: Good morning, Mandy.PPT: Play some songs about Christmas. (We wish you a Merry Christmas)Ss: Try to sing together.T: 课件出示12月份日历Today is Dec, 25th . What holiday is it today Ss: Christmas Day. T: So Merry Christmas , everyone.Ss: Merry Christmas.T: Today, our topic is Christmas.( 揭题)2) T: Do you know about Christmas Ss: Yes/ No.可以请说Yes的学生谈一谈自己了解的Christmas.Ss:Say something about Christmas they know.T: We can have a lot of fun at Christmas. First, let’s enjoy the video: “Christmas Fun”. (播放短片:Christmas Fun里面会出现一些与圣诞有关的基本信息) Then let’s share : What do people do /eat at Christmas Ss: Watch the video .(视频上呈现问题)T: What ‘s the Christmas fun 呈现句型: People…Let’s talk in 4. You can say: People …学生会说Father Christmas /Christmas tree / presents / Christmas songsturkeys /stocking/ puddings …etc Teach the new wordsStep2 Pre-reading1. Watch and orderT: I think you know what people do at Christmas. What about our friend Mike and his family What do they do Here are four pictures. Let’s watch the video and put them in the correct order. PPT: 图a 图B图c 图dFirst 图——— Next图——— Then 图——— Finally图T: Ok, we watched the story just now. Mike and his family have a lot of fun in the story. (简单点一下have a lot of fun的意思) They do many interesting things. What do they do at first Do you get it Which is the first one Ss: …T: Oh, you’re right. And which picture is the next one Ss: …T: Great! And what do they do then Ss:…T: Yes, cool. What do they do finally SS:…T: Of course. Yo ... ...

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