
外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Face values Using language(1)课件(22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:640270Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 1 Face values Using language(1) Subject clauses Look at the sentences and answer the questions. Sentences(a)and(c)are from the reading passage. a ...what I say is that my pictures aren’t hurting anyone,so who cares b “That my pictures aren’t hurting anyone is what I say,so who cares ” c It’s true that inner beauty is very important... d That inner beauty is very important is true... 1 What is the role of the words in bold in each sentence 2 In sentence(a),what does “what” refer to 3 What does “it” refer to in sentence(c) 4 Why does the author choose to use sentences(a) and(c) instead of sentences(b) and(d) Now look for more sentences with subject clauses in the reading pas-sage,and summarise their uses in your own words. The role of the words in bold in each sentence is to act as the subject of the sentence. In sentence(a),“what” refers to the thing(s) that/which the speaker says. In sentence(c),“it” refers to “ that inner beauty is very important”. The author chooses to use sentences ( a)and(c)to place the focus on the end of the sentences,rather than the beginning. Now look for more sentences with subject clauses in the reading pas-sage,and summarise their uses in your own words. More sentences with subject clauses: · ...isn’ t it better that I’m large and happy,instead of skinny and unhealthy · What I really admire is the way she has acknowledged that good health not only makes us more beautiful, but happier,too! It is a well-known fact that/what the faces some people show to the world might be completely different to their real personalities. For instance,most comedians have permanent smiles on their faces and always sound cheerful because that’s the nature of their work. From this,it’s impossible to know what/where their true feelings are. Although they might be laughing on the outside ,they might be crying on the inside. That/How others are feeling is not something that we should make assumptions about,because it’s not always obvious who is truly happy. What/That is certain is that comedians often use comedy to help them understand themselves and the world. In fact,comedy is a very serious job indeed! Read the passage and choose the correct words. Write an introduction to Ma Xu based on the profile. Use three or four subject clauses in your introduction. Ma Xu ·Ma Xu became a military doctor in 1947. She applied to become a paratrooper in 1961,but her first application failed because there were no female paratroopers at that time. Ma was only 1. 53 metres tall and weighed just 37. 5 kg. But she learnt to parachute by training hard in secret. After Ma proved that she could jump as well as anyone else,her application was successful. ·Ma is China’s first female paratrooper. She completed over 140 parachute jumps over a period of 20 years—the most of any female paratrooper. She also set a national recor ... ...

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