
(新课标)Unit 2 Great minds 第3课时Grammar课件

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:3434232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Great minds Period 3 Grammar 牛津深圳·广州版 九年级上 1. Knowledge objectives: Master the usage of infinitives after nouns, as subjects and after the verb to be. 2. Skill objectives: Be able to use verb infinitives correctly in the context. 3. Emotional objectives: Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual capability. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Analyze and summarize the structure and usage of infinitives, and draw inferences from one instance by using grammatical rules. Learning objects Lead in Read and say The goose and the golden egg A man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose. The goose laid a golden egg every day. Although they were rich, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough. Their ambition was to become the richest in the village. They considered the bird to be made of gold inside. They decided to kill it in order to get the gold at once. To cut it open was what they did next. They looked inside only to find nothing in its body. Much wants more and loses all. Lead in Discussion What is infinitive to have to become to think to have to be to kill to get to cut to find 基本式:to do (to + 动词原形) 否定式:not to do What is infinitive Lead in 特点:没有人称和数的变化, 在句子中不能担当谓语 A Infinitives after nous Presentation To give more information about nouns, we can use infinitives after the nouns. Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different universities. 名词或名词短语(前面/后面)可以接(doing / to do)作(宾语/后置定语),修饰该名词或名词短语。 A1 Jim is telling May about his plete their conversation with the words from the box. be become help make start 1. I’ve made a decision. _____ a genius. 2. I’ve got an ability. _____a great doctor. _____ what You can’t be serious. A decision to become A decision to do An ability to become _____ what I don’t believe it! An ability to do Have a go 3. I’ve made a plan. _____ life better for everyone. _____ what You’ll probably fail. A plan to do A plan to make 4. I’ve decided to find a way._____ people live to be 1,000 years old. _____what You must be joking. A way to do A way to help Have a go be become help make start be become help make start 5. So now is the time. _____ work. _____what I will give you some advice. The time to do The time to start 6._____ what To stop dreaming! The advice to do Have a go Make conversations with the nouns from the box. Use infinitives after the nouns in your conversations. You may follow the example below. Example: S1: In the book Harry Potter, the students at Hogwarts School have special abilities. S2: Special abilities to do what S1: Special abilities to do magic. ability decision method plan promise way Have a go At school, Einstein’s ability (1)_____ surprised his teachers, but he was bored with other subjects. At the age of 15, he was given the chance (2)_____, but he did not do well enough i ... ...

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