

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:712759Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑假排序题专项预习-小学英语六年级上册人教PEP版 一、排序题 1.Look, read and order. (阅读理解,重新排序,一个答案已给出。) 2.重新排列下列句子,使其成为一段通顺的对话。 ( )Wow, how nice! ( )Kate, look! This is my brown bear. ( )Can I see it ( )You're welcome. ( )Thank you. ( )Sure. Here you are. 3.A.It’s near the park. B.Where is it C.Thank you. D.How can I get there E. There is a pet hospital in my city. F. Turn left at the museum. Then go straight. G. You are welcome. E ( ) ( ) ( ) F ( ) ( ) 4.给下列句子排排队。 ( )I'm lost. Where is the restaurant ( )Thanks. ( )Excuse me. Can you help me ( )Yes ( )You're welcome. ( )Go straight and turn right. 5.排序 ( )A.Oh, where’s my schoolbag ( )B.It’s time to go home, Helen. ( )C.OK, Miss Li. ( )D.Is it behind your desk ( )E. Ah, yes, it is. Thank you, Miss Li. 6.情景对话:读一读,排排序并选择 ( )And this is my mother. ( )I’m Toto. I’m 2.I have red eyes and a short tail. I’m from Canada. ( )I love my family. ( )This is my father. ( )Good morning,boys and girls. ( )Look! This is my family photo. Questions: ( )1.Where is Toto from A.Canada. B.America. ( )2.How old is Toto A.Two. B.Ten. ( )3.Guess! What animal is Toto A.Monkey B.Rabbit. 7.读一读,把下列句子组成完整的对话。 ( ) OK. Here you are. ( ) Have some grapes. ( ) Thanks. ( ) Can I have some apples ( ) Sorry, I don’t like grapes. I like apples. ( ) You are welcome. 8.看图排序。(帮熊猫盼盼找到回家的路) My name is Panpan. I live in the zoo. Now I am lost. Can you help(帮助) me ( )Turn left. ( )Go straight on. ( )It’s next to a supermarket. ( )Turn right. 9.给下面的句子重新排顺序,使其成为完整的对话。 1.I don’t know. 2.Where is my pencil 3.Li Hua, Where’s your pencil 4.There it is. 5.Danny, where is my pencil Can you see it (你看见它了吗?) 10.Read and order.(读一读,排一排。) A.Me too. B.Hello! I’m Gao Shan. What’s your name C.Let’s play. D.My name is Lily. I have a bag. E. Great! (B)→( )→( )→( )→(E) 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案: 1.3 1 5 2 6 4 【解析】 【分析】 图文大意:图意是讲Zip在愚人节愚弄Zoom的故事,早上7点钟,Zip将小钟表调到8点钟,叫Zoom起床看小表的时间,Zoom以为上学迟到了,很紧张,Zip又让Zoom看墙上的大钟表,他虚惊一场。 【详解】 上排左图图意:Zip让Zoom看小表时间。上排中图图意:Zip在叫Zoom起床,Zoom还想睡觉。上排右图图意:Zip让Zoom看墙上大表的时间。下排左图图意:Zip在调调快小表时间。下排中图图意:Zoom不明白现在是不是7点。下排右图图意:Zoom看到小表时间是八点了,很紧张,以为上学迟到了。根据事件的前后顺序,叫醒应当排第一,Zip调小表时间排第二,让Zoom看小表时间排第三,Zoom紧张排第四,Zip提醒看大表时间排第五,Zoom不明白是不是7点排第六。故答案为315264。 2. 2 1 3 6 5 4 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 题目所给句意为: 哇,好漂亮! 凯特,看!这是我的棕色的熊。 我能看看它吗? 不用谢。 谢谢。 当然。给你。 根据所给句意可知,对话的大意为:一人给凯特看她的玩具熊,两人之间进行的对话。 1.首句应为,一人给凯特看她的玩具熊:Kate, look! This is my brown bear. 2.根据上一句,此处应给 ... ...

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