
人教版七年级上Unit 1 My name's Gina. Section A(GF-3c)核心素养目标教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:51次 大小:231958Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section A (GF-3c) Teaching Aims 1.语言能力:能够正确使用be动词的一般现在时用法、what引导的特殊疑问句询问对方姓名以及正确使用my,your, his, her等形容词性物主代词。 2.文化意识:了解西方初次见面的礼节,学会自我介绍与介绍他人,培养与他人交往的能力。 3.思维品质:能根据对话内容或所给条件进行改编或创编。 4.学习能力:有意识地运用知识迁移策略介绍自己的名字和他人的名字。 Teaching Difficulties my,your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的用法;be动词的一般现在时的用法。 Teaching Aids multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching Teaching Procedures Tips Step 1 Warm-up 学生在回答问题时,教师务必用不同的评价性语言鼓励学生,无论他的回答是否让你满意 通过看图猜词,帮助学生正确使用句型。 Show Ss teaching goals in this class. T: Morning everyone. Today we are going to learn to use the personal pronouns and possessive pronouns to introduce things. Show Ss pictures on PPT P5-P8 and ask them to answer questions. (If Ss can’t answer the questions correctly, T must give them guidance, and make a summary about the sentence patterns. At the same time T must give students positive comments to encourage.) Ask Ss to introduce their friends to their deskmate. T: Now it’s your turn now. It’s time for you to introduce your friends to your deskmate. You can use the sentence patterns on PPT: What’s his name S: He is … / His name is … What’s her name S: She is … / Her name is … Is he / she … S: Yes, he/she is. / No, he / she isn’t. Step 2 Grammar learning 本部分的语法是重难点,老师应该多引导学生自主探索或小组合作探索这些语法,从而记得更牢固。 通过思维导图让学生更容易理解和记忆这些语法之间的不同。 Ask Ss to read the contents on grammar focus part, and make a summary. (T can show the questions on the blackboard like: What are the personal pronouns Ask them to talk about the questions in groups or find out the answers in their workbook such as《学练优》. After that T can ask Ss to make a summary according to the following table. 人称代词主格 形容词性物主代词 Ask Ss to summarize the differences of the two. Show Ss grammar focus part and ask Ss to answer the questions. Q1: sentence pattern about asking for others’ names. ( ④介绍他人 ) Q2: sentence pattern about introduce yourselves. Q3: introduce others (This part is easy for Ss to make a summary. And T must show the summary on PPT after Ss share.) T introduce other difficult language points to Ss. be动词的用法 Be动词不可缩写的情况 Step 3 Presentation & Practice 3a Ask Ss to do the task in 3a and invite some Ss to read the conversations to check answers. Answers: —What’s your name —I’m Cindy. —What’s his name —He’s Bob. —Are you Mike —Yes, I am. 3b Ask Ss to fill in the blanks in 3b. Then Ss can check answers with partners. At last the T can choose some Ss to role-play the dialogue to make sure they get the correct answers. If possible, the T can ask Ss why they choose the answer. If Ss have problems, the T should explain the related knowledge clearly. Answers: What’s name’ ... ...

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