
人教版七年级上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A(GF-3c)核心素养目标教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:88次 大小:45813Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) Teaching Aims 1.语言能力:正确使用have的一般现在时询问并描述物品的所属关系。 2.文化意识:通过谈论生活中的体育运动,拓展到奥运会和残奥会,了解残奥会背后的精神品质,从而激发学生更积极参与体育,深刻了解少年强,则国强的内涵,增强家国情怀。 3.思维品质:能根据语篇内容或所给条件进行改编或创编。 4.学习能力:能在学习过程中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 Teaching Difficulties 正确使用have的一般现在时询问并描述物品的所属关系。 Teaching Aids multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching Teaching Procedures Tips Step 1 Warm-up Show Ss teaching goals in this class. T: Morning everyone. Today we are going to learn to use have to talk about ownership. T ask Ss to see the pictures and answer question: What does Mr. Clark have in his hat (T asks students to use the sentence pattern: He has a/an ... to answer the question. If Ss say he have… T must correct their grammar mistakes.) Show Ss pictures on P6-P9 and ask them to answer questions on PPT. (If Ss can’t answer the questions correctly, T must give them guidance, and ask them to say the sentence again. T can also make a summary about the sentence patterns:1. --Do you have a soccer ball --Yes, I do. 2. --Do they have a tennis ball --Yes, they do. 3. --Does your brother have a basketball --Yes, he does. At the same time T must give students positive comments to encourage.) Step 2 Grammar learning 动词第三人称单数是初中的难点,老师应该通过多造句和对话,使学生理解更牢固。 Grammar Focus The T can ask Ss to read the sentences in the chart and pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then guide them to distinguish when to use have/do and has/does. Draw their attention to the usage of the target language. At last the T can summarize the usage of the target grammar structure from several aspects. Step 3 Presentation & Practice 3a Ask Ss to read these words in the box in 3a and translate them. Then Ss do the task in 3a and the T can invite some Ss to share their answers. Answers: do: I they you we does:he she it Eric 3b Step 1:Ask students to find out the subject of the sentence first, and then fill in do or does. Step 2:Teachers can encourage students to raise their hands and ask questions they don't understand, and let other students help solve these problems. In this part, Ss can consolidate let's... sentence pattern again. Step 3:Ask the whole class to read the three groups of dialogues aloud, and the teacher will correct the pronunciation mistakes. Step 4:Let students practice dialogue with their partners in roles. Step 5:Ask several groups of students to role-play the dialogue as open pairs. Answers: 1. Do do 2. Does doesn’t does does 3.Do do 3c This activity is a game that challenges students' memory. Teachers should try to make the activity interesting for Ss and let them review and consolidate grammar knowledge in the game. Step 1:The teacher first asks the students to say the English names of various objects in ... ...

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