
(新课标)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?SectionB(3a-Self Check)课件(共28张PPT)+视频

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:42次 大小:105904647Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B (3a-Self Check) 人教版八年级上册 Learning objectives 学习本课时新单词:duck, dislike 复习句型:Where/what did … Did sb. do… How was/were… 复习复合不定代词和动词的过去式 能够询问或谈论假期去某地旅行的经历; 学会写旅行日记 Lead in Lead in let’s go to Beijing , enjoy some places and food. Tian’anmen Square the Palace Museum Lead in Temple of Heaven Park a Beijing hutong Lead in the Great Wall Bird’s Nest Lead in Beijing Duck No matter why you go traveling, don’t you want to record your wonderful trip Let’s write a Travle Diary Lead in Work on 3a 3a Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. Wednesday, _____20th Today the weather was _____. I went to_____ _____.It was _____. We _____. I liked this place because_____. For dinner we had_____. It was _____. In the evening, I felt really _____. August hot and sunny Tian’anmen Square Beijing duck delicious tired beautiful/interesting took some photos/bought something special I learned something important hot and sunny tired interesting Beijing duck delicious August take some photos beautiful buy something special learn something important /the Palace Museum/a Beijing hutong Work on 3b 3b Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took. 1. Where did you go 2. Did you go with anyone 3. How was the weather 4. What did you do every day 5. What food did you eat 6. What did you like best 7. Did you dislike anything 8. How did you feel about the trip Writing 日记是中考各省市常考的题型。 记叙自己一天生活中所看到、遇到、想到和做过的事情,特别是那些具有教育意义或值得回忆、查阅或参考的事情,也可以用来抒发自己当天对某些事件的感受,以及对将来的打算等。 日记 Writing 1.格式:英文日记和中文日记的写法大致相同。一般是第一行写上日期、星期、天气状况。日期通常顶格写,后面是星期,天气状况写在右上角。表示天气情况的词一般用形容词,如: fine , cold , rainy , windy , cloudy , sunny , snowy , foggy 等。正文部分另起一行。 2.人称:日记要用第一人称写。    Writing 3.时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午或晚上,有时也有在第二天补记的。所记叙的事情通常发生在过去,所以常用一般过去时态。但如果要记叙天气、描写景色、展望未来、议论某事或对话引语等,可以使用一般现在时或一般将来时,以生动再现当时的情景。 Writing 4.日记的写作顺序:日记一般按照时间顺序或事情的经过来写。语言要清楚、自然,内容要连贯、完整。 5.类型:日记可分为记事型、议论型、描写型以及抒情型等类型。记事型日记,就是学生用所学英语词汇记述当天自己生活中所发生的事情。议论型,就是对生活中的某一事情或情况、现象发表自己的看法。描写型就是对某人、某物的特征进行细致的描述,或对某事物抒发自己的感情。 Work on 3c 3c Write a travel diary like Jane’s on page 5. Use your notes in 3b. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Writing Sample writing Sunday, May 6th I arrived in Chengdu this morning with my parents. It was sunny and warm, so we decided to go for a walk near our hotel. We saw man ... ...

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