

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:44次 大小:26097Byte 来源:二一课件通
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连词成句(试题)-人教PEP版英语六年级下册 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、连词成句 1.mother, your, What’s, like ( ) _____ 2.What’s like the New York in weather ( ) _____ 3.do, you, weekend, What, did, last ( ) _____ 4.are, those, Whose, pants ( ) 5.fork, you, a, Would, knife, like, and ( ) _____ 6.of, taller, together, both, than, us, It’s (.) _____ 7.holiday, your, was, summer, How (.) _____ 8.school, was, gym, ago, in, my, years, There, no, twenty (.) _____ 9.there, did, go, How, you ( ) _____ 10.do, have, Thursdays, you, What, on ( ) _____ 11.best, Which, you, do, season, like, Mike (, ) _____ 12.size, What, your, Mike, are, shoes (, ) _____ 13.are, feet, Your, than, bigger, mine (.) _____ 14.there, a, Is, in, Miss White, the, river, forest (, ) _____ 15.My, 4th, on, birthday, is, April (.) _____ 16.weekend, your, was, How ( ) _____ 17.home, I, your, at, with, stayed, grandma (.) _____ 18.next to library the teachers' office The is (.) 19.get It's up time to (.) _____ 20.stayed, I, all, at, weekend, and, slept, home (.) _____ 21.weekend, What, you, on, do, do, the ( ) _____ 22.left, the, Turn, bookstore, at (.) _____ 23.favourite your food What’s ( ) _____ 24.morning, should, a, He, doctor, this, see (.) _____ 25.do, How, school, come, you, to ( ) _____ 26.many, How, there, your, people, are, in, family ( ) _____ 27.going, are, to, do, What, tomorrow, you ( ) _____ 28.monkey, What’s, doing, little, the ( ) _____ 29.he, doing, like, hiking, and, word, Does, puzzles, going ( ) _____ 30.does, go, he, to, How, work ( ) _____ 31.and, drank, in, tea, watched, afternoon, We, the, TV (.) _____ 32.do, Why, like, you, best, winter ( ) _____ 33.glasses, has, shoes, and, are, He, his, blue (.) _____ 34.must, to, the, you, pay, traffic, attention, lights, (.) _____ 35.Peter's what hobbies are ( ) _____ 36.live, he, Sydney, in, Does ( ) _____ 37.bike, goes, work, He, to, by (.) _____ 38.the, dinosaur, this, tallest, in, That’s, hall (.) _____ 39.this, read, Do, you, often, books, in, park, ( ) _____ 40.are, so, there, many, here, pictures ( . ) _____ 41.for, can, you, party, children, What, do, the ( ) _____ 42.skirt, do, How, you, this, like ( ) _____ 43.library, was, old, my, no, in, There, school (.) _____ 44.one, the, people, In, on, bikes, must, USA, wear (.) _____ 45.about, us, school, Tell, please, your (.) _____ 46.heavier, me, you, than, are, (.) _____ 47.Kunming, It's, and, snowy, in, cold (.) _____ 48.were, no, Internet, There, time, or, in, computers, my (.) _____ 49.I, my, ride, bike, couldn’t, well (.) _____ 50.can, there, we, get, How ( ) _____ 51.go, Don’t, the, at, light, red (.) _____ 52.like, I’d, and, some, please, bread, soup (, .) _____ 53.mine / the / yellow / picture / is (.) _____ 54.morning, do, the, When, you, class, in, finish ( ) _____ 55.fork, you, a, Would, knife, like, and ( ) _____ 56.floor, It’s, the, on, second (.) _____ 57.office, w ... ...

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