
Module 5 Unit 2 I can speak French 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:27次 大小:2648576Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) I can speak French. Module 5 Unit 2 外研版新标准英语第七册 Name: Kelly Age: 38 Address: Haibin, Shuidong, Maoming I can swim and speak English. I like painting ,riding bicycles and travelling. About Me And I love candy. I have got a pet.Its name is Wangwang. Eiffel ['aif l] Tower 艾菲尔铁塔(位于巴黎塞纳河南岸) Eiffel Tower is in France. 法国 People in France can speak French. 法语 French People in France can speak French. 法语 Who can speak French Questions: 1.Who can speak English and sing English songs 2.Who likes drawing 3.Where is Jim from 4.How old is Linda Mike. Tingting. London, UK. She’s 12. What’s your name Where are you from What can you do What’s your hobby Name Age City What can do Hobbies Name Age City What can do Hobbies Mike 11 Sydney, Australia speak English football, reading, swimming and singing songs age orange bridge saussage Name Age City What can do Hobbies Mike 11 Sydney, Australia speak English sing English songs football, reading, swimming and singing songs Tingting 13 Hong Kong write emails and stories in English drawing , playing games story stories Name Age City What can do Hobbies Mike 11 Sydney speak English sing English songs football, reading, swimming and singing songs Tingting 13 Hong kong write emails and stories in English drawing, playing computer games Jim 12 London speak French music, riding bicycles, collecting stamps Name Tingting Age 11 City What can do Hobbies Mike Sydney speak English, football, reading, swimming and singing songs 13 Hong kong write emails and stories in English drawing, playing computer games Jim 12 London speak French music , riding bicycles, collecting stamps Linda 12 Sam Francisco speak English and Chinese dancing, painting, candy lady body candy candy sweets (多见于英国英语) pet pet let get French pet candy age Can you read Group work Hello! I’m +姓名 I’m+年龄 I’m from+地方 I can+能力 I like+爱好 Please be my pen friend! Name Tingting Age 11 City What can do Hobbies Mike Sydney speak English, football, reading, swimming and singing songs 13 Hong kong write emails and stories in English drawing, playing computer games Jim 12 London speak French music , riding bicycles, collecting stamps Linda 12 Sam Francisco speak English and Chinese dancing, painting, Who can be your pen friend Why …can be my pen friend. Because …. Choose and say Dear ___, My name is ___.I’m ___ years old. I’m from ___.I can ___, but I can’t ___. I like ___, but I don’t like___.My phone number is_____. Can you be my pen friend Yours, _____ 温馨小贴士: can +动原;like +动词ing Please be my pen friend!

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