
(新课标)Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. Section A (1a-2d) 课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:94次 大小:17291370Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A (1a-2d) jobs basketball player computer programmer engineer teacher writer bus driver musician policeman policewoman farmer jobs violinist pianist scientist waitress fire fighter actress actor doctor 名词或动词后加er, or, ress, man, woman, ian, ist构成职业名词 Do you think these jobs are interesting Rank them [1-12] (1 is most interesting, 12 is least interesting). 1a ____ computer programmer ____ cook ____ doctor ____ engineer ____ teacher ____ violinist ____ bus driver ____ pilot ____ pianist ____ basketball player ____ scientist ____ actor Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items. 1b 1. computer programmer a. take _____ lessons 2. basketball player b. study _____ science 3. engineer c. practice _____ every day 4. actor d. study _____ really hard acting computer basketball math Pairwork 1c A:What do you want to be when you grow up B:I want to be a/an... A: How are you going to do that B: I am going to... study... go to a ... school take...lessons practice...every day learn how to... Listening Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do Check (√) the correct boxes in the picture. 2a What Cheng Han wants be Where He is going to move to How He is going to learn how to When He is going to finish and first. a teacher. Shanghai. teach children. high school college Listen again. What are Cheng Han’s plans for the future Complete the chart. 2b Pairwork Ask and answer questions about Cheng Han’s plans. What does Cheng Han want to be He wants to be a teacher. 2c Where is he going to move He’s going to move to Shanghai. How is he going to do that He’s going to learn how to teach children. When is he going to start He’s going to finish high school and college first. Have you read The Old Man and the Sea Do you know who wrote it * a famous American novelist * Pulitzer Prize winner in 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature winner in 1954 * Works: The Old Man and the Sea A Farewell to Arms The Sun Also Rises … Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) 1. What does Ken want to be _____ 2. How is he going to do that _____ 3. What does Andy want to be _____ _____ Read the conversation and answer the questions. He’s going to keep on writing stories. He wants to be a writer. His parents want him to be a doctor, but he’s not sure about that. 2d Role-play the conversation. Andy: What are you reading, Ken Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Andy: Wow, now I know why you’re so good at writing stories. Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer. Andy: Really How are you going to become a writer Ken: Well, I’m going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be Andy:My parents want me to be a doctor, but I’m not sure about that. Ken: Well, don’t worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! Andy: Yes, you’re right. Ken is reading a book called _____. He _____ writ ... ...

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