
外研版七年级英语上册 Starter Module 3 Unit 2 Can you help me,please? 教案

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:51次 大小:30321Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 2 Can you help me, please 一、教学目标 1. 掌握本课新词汇:help, me, of course, classroom, know, say, that, again, welcome 2. 掌握本课重点句型: —Can you help me, please —Yes. —Can you say that again, please —Yes. —Thank you. —You’re welcome. 3. 能够听懂使用英语表达寻求帮助的句型。 4. 能够用英语正确表达如何寻求帮助。 5. 在学习遇到困难时,能有礼貌的向同学请教。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:熟练掌握本课重要词汇和句型。 难点:能够用英语表达寻求帮助的句型。 三、教学准备 多媒体课件 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Play a game: Bomb Game 设计意图:教师通过游戏活动,帮助学生复习所学事物名词词汇,并导入新课内容。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Look at the picture and learn the new word. 设计意图:学习新词汇,为后面的听力活动扫清语言障碍。 2. Listen and read. 3. Read in roles and practice the dialogue. 设计意图:通过让学生跟读,及时纠正规范自己的读音。通过角色扮演练习对话,加深对目标词汇和重点句型的掌握。 4. Look at the pictures and review the words. 设计意图:回顾以前学过的单词,为下面听力活动扫清障碍。 Step 3 Practice Listen to the dialogues and number the pictures. 设计意图:听并给图标号,帮助学生巩固目标语言。 2. Read these sentences and match the answers with the questions. 3. Listen and check the answers. 设计意图:通过将本单元的重点句子与其对应的回答进行连线,再次帮助学生加深对目标语言的运用。 4. Listen again and then play roles in groups. 设计意图:通过让学生进行角色扮演,引导学生在交际时注意自己的语音语调和体态的自然,并巩固本单元的重点知识。 Step 4 Extension 1. Look at the pictures and say out the words quickly. 2. Work in pairs and practice the dialogue. Then perform their dialogues for the whole class. 设计意图:通过呈现单词及图片,让学生图义结合,更好的掌握并理解词汇的意义。之后学生分组进行自由编组对话、表演对话的活动,有助于激发学生兴趣,在情景中再次巩固所学。 3. Read the dialogue and complete it. 4. Ask one pair to stand and read their dialogue. 5. Listen and check the answers. 设计意图:在锻炼学生书写能力的同时,巩固本课的重点语言知识。 Step 5 Summary New sentences: (1) —Can you help me, please —Yes, of course. (2) —How do you spell it ——— (3) —Can you say that again, please —Yes. (4) —Thank you. —You’re welcome. 设计意图:巩固所学的重点词汇及句型。 Step 6 Homework 1. Read activity 1. 2. Make a conversation with your partner using the following sentences. Can you help me, please Yes, of course. What’s this in English It’s… How do you spell it 设计意图:通过不同的作业形式巩固课上所学。 五、板书设计 Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 2 Can you help me, please 1. Key words: help, me, of course, classroom, know, say, that, again, welcome 2. Key sentences: —Can you help me, please —Yes. —Can you say that again, please —Yes. —Thank you. —You’re welcome. ... ...

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