
Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let's learn & Role-play 课件(共48张PPT)+素材+教案(含教学反思)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:92次 大小:110220928Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 英 语 PEP版 六年级上册 Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let's learn & Role-play 1.能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard; 2.能够熟练运用“—Where are we going —To the bookstore. I’m going to buy…”等句型描述自己要买的物品; 3.能够运用所学知识,根据自己的角色(顾客或者书店店员),完成角色扮演,达到在真实语境中用英语进行交流的目的。 学习目标 Chant together Warm up this morning Look and say Warm up this afternoon Warm up this evening Warm up tonight Warm up Lead-in John and Jack saw a film about space travel. Now they are in front of the cinema. Where are they going Presentation They are going to ... Presentation They are going to ... Presentation Presentation They are going to the bookstore. Presentation which one is the bookstore Presentation Presentation 1. Do you often go to the bookstore 2. What can we do in the bookstore 3. What books can we buy in the bookstore Yes, I do./No, I don’t. We can buy books in the bookstore. We can buy comic books, dictionaries, postcards, word books and so on. Presentation Presentation What book is John going to buy Presentation John is going to buy a new comic book. Presentation Learn the new words and phrases What are the main features of these books They have so many pictures in this book. They have very few words and sentences. They mainly use pictures to tell the stories. They are comic books. Presentation comic book [ k m k b k] 漫画书 Presentation What are the main features of this book It has so many words in this book. We can read these words in this book. It can help us to learn more words. It’s the word book. Presentation word book 词典;字汇表 Presentation What’s this What can we do with it we can write our words on it. And we can send it in the post office. It is a postcard. Presentation postcard (post+card=postcard) [ p stkɑ d] 明信片 Presentation If we don’t know a word, what tools can we use Presentation dictionary n. [ d k nri] 字典;词典 Presentation We’ve got a bookstore now. But we need to complete some tasks to make it open. Let’s go! Presentation Read aloud Presentation Presentation Play a game What’s missing comic book dictionary postcard word book comic book dictionary word book Presentation comic book dictionary postcard word book Presentation comic book postcard word book Presentation comic book dictionary postcard Presentation comic book dictionary word book Presentation dictionary postcard word book Presentation Act out the dialogue What are you going to buy I’m going to buy... Presentation Pair work Presentation Make your own dialogues I’m going to buy a storybook. What are you going to buy in the bookstore Practice I’m going to buy a comic book. What are you going to buy in the bookstore Practice I’m going to buy a ... What are you going to buy in the bookstore Practice history book dictionary story book poetry science book Practice Role-play Boys and girls,our bookstore ... ...

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