
Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Read and write 课件+教案+素材(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:48次 大小:87838675Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 英 语 PEP版 六年级上册 Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Read and write 1.能够正确听、说、认读单词:shall, goal, join, club, share; 2.通过讨论自己和同伴的爱好激活相关的背景知识、储备词汇 ,通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉细节信息、思考推理问题的能力; 3.能够根据示范广告仿写自己想建立的俱乐部广告,能根据提示正确找到并读出文段中不同句子应该重读的单词。 学习目标 Free talk cooking noodles making a pizza Warm up I like cooking noodles and making salad.What are your hobbies I like…and… Warm up A quick review playing basketball playing football doing kung fu swimming singing reading dancing Warm up What about these boys and girls What are their hobbies He/She like(s)… Warm up Talk and write Work in pairs. Talk about your hobbies and your partner’s hobbies. Finish this table with your partner. Presentation Lead in There are many clubs in our school. Do you know these clubs singing club English club football club basketball club Presentation cooking club dancing club reading club robots club Presentation club n. [kl b] 俱乐部;社团 Presentation Do you want to join the clubs? Yes! Presentation join v. [d n] 成为...的一员;加入 Presentation In the clubs, we can share our hobbies. That will be great fun! Presentation share v. [ e (r)] 分享;共享 Presentation club n. [kl b] 俱乐部;社团 join v. [d n] 成为...的一员;加入 share v. [ e (r)] 分享;共享 Presentation The Notice Board Presentation What are the topics of these notices Who writes them Presentation The topic of the first notice is“Shall we dance ”. Amy writes it. Presentation shall [ l , l] 将要;将会; 在疑问句中同I和we连用, 表示提出或征求意见 Shall we dance Presentation The topic of the second notice is“Goal! Goal! Goal! ”. John writes it. Presentation goal n. [ɡ l] 球门;目标;目的; 进球得分 Presentation The topic of the third notice is“Let’s read together!”. Mike writes it. Presentation The topic of the fourth notice is“Science Club, YOUR club!”. Robin writes it. Presentation Careful reading Presentation What are the notices about Presentation In the first notice, Amy needs a partner in the dance class. In the second notice, John wants you to join the football club. Presentation In the third notice, Mike wants to share his books. In the fourth notice, Robin wants you to come to the science room to learn to make robots. Presentation Presentation Presentation Read the notice board and practice Presentation Tips for pronunciation Practice Learn the regulations 句子重读基本规则: 1. 实词重读,实词指的是本身具有意义的词,如句中主要动词,名词,形容词,副词,以及一些否定助动词(Don’t,Aren’t,Can’t等); 2.虚词弱读,如代词,介词,冠词,连词,以及一些助动词(do,be,have,can,must)等。 Practice We can share. I like dancing. Practice He lives on a farm. What are Peter’s hobbies Practice Can you find out more sentences like these ... Practice Finish this ad for a cooking club Practice Practice Make your own ad Do you want to make friend ... ...

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