
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit 开学第一课 教学设计

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:91次 大小:111005Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题名称 开学第一课———The first English Lesson 授课教师 授课时间 2022.9.1 授课班级 课型 新课 课时数 1 课程标准要求 普通高中英语课程具有重要的育人功能,旨在发展学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,落实立德树人根本任务, 具有工具性和人文性融合统一的特点。英语课程应体现综合性、关联性、实践性的英语学习活动观。学生在主题意义的引领下,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一系列英语学习活动,使学生基于已有的知识,依托不同类型的语篇,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,促进自身语言知识学习、语言技能发展、文化内涵理解、多元思维发展、价值取向判断和学习策略运用。 教材内容分析 This period is designed for the freshmen and aimed to help them adapt to English learning in high school . First, an activity is arranged for the teacher and students to introduce to each other. Then follow three parts, the importance of English, the differences between junior and senior English and preparation for English. Students will know about the High school English curriculum system by comparing junior and senior English. At last, they will get some advice about English learning to make a good preparation for senior English learning. 学情分析 For the freshmen of senior high who mainly come from the countryside school, they have accumulated certain vocabulary and expressions. But many students have difficulties in expressing themselves in English, listening and understanding the complex sentences and passages . Some of the students are not interested in English learning and don’t have good learning habits. The first semester is a golden chance to develop their thinking ability and learning strategies. 教学目标设计 After taking this lesson, students will be able 1.to introduce themselves fluently by following the given models in the class. 2.to appreciate the charm of English and realize the importance of learning English. 3.to know about the differences between junior and senior English and the High school English curriculum system. 4.to make a good preparation for high school English learning. 教学重难点及处理 教学重点: How to guide them to make a self-introduction effectively and fluently. How to help them know about the High school English curriculum system and about what they will learn about English in high school. 教学难点: How to help them to make a good preparation for high school English learning and adapt to high school English learning easily. 教学资源选择 ppt 教学过程设计 Activity1. Make a self-introduction Get student to ask any questions about the English teacher to know more about the teacher. The teacher makes a brief self-introduction first and guide students to think about what should be included when making self-introduction as well as give two models for them to choose from and introduce themselves. The purpose of the design:an ice breaking activity to make us familiar with one another. Activity 2. Get students to appreciate the importance of English. 1.English is a window. 2.English is a bridge. 3.English is the stairs of life. The purp ... ...

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