

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:61次 大小:87983Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 人教版(PEP)四年级上学期期中题型专练:情景交际 一、情景交际 1.(2022四上·期中)当你想建议你的朋友和你一起打扫教室时,你可以这样说:_____ A.Let me clean the classroom. B.Let's clean the blackboard. C.Let's clean the classroom. 2.(2022四上·期中)当你想说你有一个新书包时,你可以说:_____ A.I have a big schoolbag. B.I have a new schoolbag. C.This is my old schoolbag. 3.(2022四上·期中)当你想知道某人的课桌在哪里时,你可以这样问:_____ A.Where is your desk B.What's in the desk C.How many desks 4.(2022四上·期中)当你想描述你的朋友戴着黑色眼镜时,你可以这样说:_____ A.My friend has black hair. B.My friend has black shoes. C.My friend has black glasses. 5.(2022四上·期中)当你想知道那个女孩是谁时,你可以这样问:_____ A.Who is he B.Who is she C.Who is your friend 6.当你想告诉别人她长着长头发时,可以说: A.She is long hair. B.She has long hair. C.She has a long hair. 7.当你想告诉别人Li Ping是你的朋友时,可以说: A.He's Li Ping. He's my friend. B.He's my friend, Li Ping. C.A and B. 8.当你想知道美美全家福上一个男孩的名字时,你可以问: 9.当你想告诉别人Mike喜欢体育时,应该说: A.Mike likes sports. B.Mike like sports. C.Mike love sports. 10.当你告诉别人Amy是个女孩时,应该说: A.She's a boy. B.She has a girl. C.She's a girl. 11.当你想告诉别人他很强壮时,可以说: A.He isn't thin. B.He is strong. C.He likes strong. (2022四上·期中) 句子匹配 A. It's white and blue. B. He is Tom. He is my friend. C. Some desks, some chairs and a new computer. D. It's near the window. E. His name is Tom. 12.Where is the new fan 13.What colour is your hat 14.What's his name 15.Who is that boy 16.What's in your classroom 17.(2020四上·云浮期中)问答句搭配 ⑴Where is the picture     A. Her name is Lucy. ⑵Who is your friend     B. Miss White. ⑶What's her name     C. It's on the desk. ⑷What colour is your book     D. An English book and three storybooks. ⑸What's in your schoolbag     E. It's red. 18.(2019四上·河源期中)读一读,给下列句子选择正确的答语 ⑴What's in your pencil box     A. It's pink and white· ⑵What's in the classroom     B. A girl· ⑶A boy or a girl     C. His name is David. ⑷What's his name     D. One blackboard, many desks and chairs. ⑸What color is your schoolbag     E. Two pencils, two crayons and a ruler. 19.问答配对 ⑴Does your sister like English     A. I am studying. ⑵What are you doing     B. At 6:30. ⑶What day is it today     C. It's an art book. ⑷What's that     D. It's Thursday. ⑸What time is it     E. No, she doesn't. ⑹What time do you get up     F. It's 5:30. 20.() 根据所给情景选择相应的句子。 A. What colour is it B. May I see it C. Wow! It's beautiful. D. It's cute. E. What's in your schoolbag (1)好朋友买了一个新书包,你想看看可以说:    (2)同学丢了钢笔,你捡到了,为了确认是不是他的,你想问钢笔的颜色:    (3)同学的书包非常漂亮,你会说:    (4)妈妈问你的书包里面有什么,她会说:    (5)夸奖小动物 ... ...

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