
五年级上册期中专项复习训练——补全对话 外研版(三起)小学英语(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:98次 大小:141003Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级上册期中专项复习训练———补全对话 外研版(三起)小学英语(含答案) 一、选内容补全对话/短文 Lingling: Where did you go last weekend Xiaoyong: ____1____ Lingling: ____2____ Xiaoyong: We went there by bike. Lingling: What did you do there Xiaoyong: ____3____ Lingling: ____4____ Xiaoyong: Yes, we did. A.Did you have a good time B.We took many pictures. C.How did you go there D.I went to the park with my sister. Amy: Hello, Mum. ____5____ Mum: Yes. I went to the supermarket with your father. Amy: What did you buy Mum: ____6____ Amy: Did you buy any apples Mum: ____7____ Amy: Did you buy any bananas Mum: ____8____ Amy: ____9____ Mum: We bought ten bananas. Amy: Thanks, Mum. I like bananas. A.We bought some fruit. B.Did you go to the supermarket yesterday C.How many bananas did you buy D.No, we didn't. E.Yes, we did. bottles much ate What bought Sam: ____10____ did you buy Amy: I ____11____ some Coke and bread. Sam: How ____12____ Coke did you buy Amy: Two ____13____. Sam: How much bread did you buy Amy: I bought two bags of bread. Sam: Where is the bread Amy: I ____14____ it all. Mike: Good morning, Linda. Linda: Good morning, Mike. Mike: _____15_____ Linda: I went to the supermarket. Mike: _____16_____ Linda: By bus. Mike: _____17_____ Linda: I bought some apples and cheese. Mike: _____18_____ Linda: I bought six apples. Mike: _____19_____ Linda: I bought half a kilo of cheese. A.How many apples did you buy B.How much cheese did you buy C.How did you go there D.Where did you go yesterday E.What did you buy there Li Yang: ____20____ Lucy: OK! Li Yang: Wow! So many animals! Lucy: Look! ___21___ Li Yang: How many lions and tigers can you see Lucy: ___22___ Li Yang: ___23___ Lucy: ___24___ Li Yang: Let me count! There are six parrots in the tree. A.How many parrots are there in the tree B.Let's go to the zoo! C.All of them are running happily. D.There are many lions and tigers. E.Ten lions and five tigers. Sarah: Hello, Lingling. _____25_____ Lingling: I’m fine, thank you. _____26_____ Sarah: We visited lots of places. Lingling: _____27_____ Sarah: We went to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Lingling: How did you go there Sarah: _____28_____ Lingling: Did you take any photos Sarah: Yes, I did. Lingling: _____29_____ Sarah: Of course. Here you are. A.We went there by bus. B.Where did you go C.May I look at your photos D.How are you E.What did you do last weekend Ms Smart: _____30_____ Mr Smart: We bought some apples. Amy: We also bought four pears. Ms Smart: _____31_____ Mr Smart and Amy: We didn't buy any bananas. _____32_____ Ms Smart: Twelve eggs Oh no! A.We bought twelve eggs. B.What did you buy C.How many bananas did you buy A: Hi, John. ____33____ B: I went to China. A: ____34____ B: No. I came back last night. A: What did you do there B: ____35____ A: ____36____ B: I didn’t buy anything, but I had a good time. A.Did you come back yesterday morning B.I visited lots of places and took many pictures. C.Where ... ...

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