
外研版七年级上册 Module 3 Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class. 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:59次 大小:69120Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学基本信息 课题 Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class. 课型 听说课 年级 七年级 教 学 目 标 复习并掌握下列词汇:computer, picture, television, wall, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, really, many, how, many, there, a lot of, oh, any, world, tree2. 熟练掌握there be 句型和基数词。3. 情感目标:培养对学校班级的热爱和对班级成员的关心。 教学重、难点 重点:there be句型的运用。 难点:基数词的写法和some 和 any 的区别。 教 学 过 程 过程 教 学 活 动 设计意图 Step 1 Warm up Show some pictures about classroom,let students speak them in English. 复习上节课所学重点句型,导入新课。 Step2 Lead in Greet the students and ask them to look around the classroom.T: my dear class, you know, we have classes in the classroom every day. Look around! What's in our classroom Ss: Desks, chairs… T: Pretty good! Now please take a careful look at the pictures in Activity 1.Can you describe the things in them using the words in the box Ask the students to take turns to say what they can see in the pictures. Meanwhile, write down the words they say on the blackboard. Ask them to read the words. And then ask them to make sentences one by one using the words and the structure I can see…T: Can you see these things in our classroom (Show the following: desks, television, chairs, bags, pencils, pens, pencil boxes, blackboard, door, wall…) S1: I can see eight desks.S2: I can't see a television. S3: I can see some chairs. … 让学生们看自己的教室,用there be 句型说出教室里的物品 Step3Presentation Task 1 ListeningT: There are three pictures of classrooms in Activity 1.Which picture is the recording about Ask the students to listen to the recording of Activity 2 and choose the correct picture. Then check the answer.Task 2 Listening and reading1.Play the recording in Activity 3 and ask the students to listen and complete the table. Then check the answers.2.Play the recording again and check the true sentences.3.Ask the students to practise the dialogue in Activity 3 in pairs. Let the students practise it once,then chang roles for another time.4.Choose some pairs to act it out.5.Ask the students to sum up the useful sentences in the dialogue and introduce “Everyday English”.Task 3 Pronunciation and speakingIn this part, students will learn some pronunciations of certain letters and letter groups and learn to use sentences like “There are 41 desks in my classroom.”1.Ask the students to listen to and repeat after the recording of Activity 4. Help them learn the pronunciation of the vowel o and vowel groups ir, er. 2.Show the following and ask the students to read aloud. brother, other, another tiger,_singer,_father,_mother,_brotherbird, shirt, birthday 3.Go on with Activities 5-7 and practise the numbers. At the same time, emphasize the difference between teen and ty. Ask students to work in pairs and talk about their ideal classroom using numbers. Task 4 Language points1.furniture n. 家具(总称)2.thirty num. 三十3.many adj. ... ...

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