
英语PEP版 四年级上册 Recycle 2 第一课时 课件+教案(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:24次 大小:54912293Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 The first period Read aloud & Listen and number the rooms & Look, listen and write 内容分析 本单元是一个复习单元,主要复习4~6单元的核心知识点。教学重点是能够将4~6单元的核心语言融为一体,在具体情景中能自然熟练地运用。 课时目标 知识与能力 能够在情景中综合运用4~6单元中的核心句型 能够在语境中理解新词“Father Christmas, turkey”和情景语言“Merry Christmas”的意思,并能够正确发音。 能够复习巩固描述房间名称及室内陈设的重点词汇及句型。 能够读出符合a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e发音规则的单词。 过程与方法 通过观察动画,讨论问题,带领学生获取对话中的信息,初步了解对话内容。设置问题引起学生阅读的兴趣,让学生学会带着问题去听、去读,培养他们认真倾听和阅读的习惯。通过跟读使学生掌握对话的正确读音;通过自由读及分角色读,使学生在不同方式的读中熟悉、巩固重点句型,内化语言,提高自己的综合语言运用能力。通过各种形式的读,让学生掌握词汇及句子的标准读音;通过表演使学生内化语言,提高自己的口语表达能力。 情感态度价值观 通过语境真实的对话,增强学生口语表达能力,提高学习英语的自信心,提高学生之间合作能力。 教学重难点 教学重点 1. 能够理解并在情景中综合运用4~6单元的重点词汇及核心句型。 2. 复习巩固a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e在单词中的发音,能够读出符合其发音规则的单词。 教学难点 能够根据a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音规则拼写单词,完成听音填空任务。 教学准备 教学课件、课文视频、人物头饰等。 教学媒体选择 多媒体,录音。 教学活动 角色扮演; 游戏; 观看动画。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Sing a song—My home. Play the video. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲视频) Ask students to sing the song My home together. 2. Revision. Show the pictures of “Let’s learn” on page 39. (课件出示:教材P39 Let’s learn板块的图片) T: Whose home is this Ss: It’s Amy’s home. T: Where is Amy Is she in the bathroom Is she in the bedroom Ss: No. She is in the study. T: Where are her mother and father Are they in the study Ss: … T: Where is the bed Where is the phone Ss: … Step 2: While-learning 1. Lead-in. Play the cartoon of the last picture of the story on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P66最后一张图片的动画) And play the song We wish you a merry Christmas as the background music. (出示课件) T: Is this Mike’s family Where are they Ss: … T: What’s for dinner Lead students to observe the picture and answer, “Salad, bread, juice…” T: And turkey. Teach the word “turkey”. Emphasize that “ur” sounds / /. T: Listen! Why are Chen Jie and John having dinner with Mike’s family Ss: For Christmas! T: Do you know about Christmas Can you say something about Christmas Ask students to say what they know about Christmas in Chinese or English. 2. Learn about the background of the story. (1)Show the pictures of Christmas tree and Father Christmas on the PPT. (课件出示:圣诞树和圣诞老人的图片) Teach the word “Christmas”. Emphasize that “ch” sounds /k/. The consonant “t” is silent. Play Father Christmas and greet students with “Merry Christmas!” Lead students to say “Merry Christmas!” (2)Wear Mike’s father’s or mother’s headdress and talk with students. T: Now, I’m M ... ...

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