
Unit 5 Do you like pears? Part A Let's spell课件(共18张ppt)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:3906247Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Let’s spell Task 1 Let's think! 请认真听我为你们唱的歌谣,认真思考我的问题哦! Let’s think duck run sun under Q:What’s the same letter in these words (在这些单词中的相同字母是什么?) Q:What does it sound in these words (在这些单词中它发什么音?) Task 2 Let's spell! 请根据老师的提示,来挑战一下拼读单词吧! Let ‘s try to spell the words! up gun bug mug cut nut but hut mum gum Task 3 Let's stick! 请根据老师的提示来贴单词,非常有趣哦! Task 4 Let's listen! 请根据录音,将下列单词排序,一定要认真仔细听哦! 2 3 4 1 1 4 3 2 Task 5 Let's write! 请将你听到的单词工整地书写在作业本上,来挑战一下吧! Task 6 Let's chant! 喜欢我的歌谣吗?你们也来唱一唱吧! Task 7 Story Time 我为大家准备了一个小故事,你会读出来吗,试试看吧! Hum and Duck The boy is Hum. He has a duck. Hum likes to play under the sun. Duck likes to play under the sun. They run,run,run. They have fun,fun,fun. Homework: 1.Spell the words on Page 50.(拼读P50单词) 2.Copy the words 4 times and dictate the words one time on your notebooks.(抄写P50单词四遍,默写一遍) 3.Find more words with letter u, you can make a short story or a chant,if you like.(有兴趣的同学可以寻找更多与u有关的单词,组成一个歌谣或一个短故事) Thank You!

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