
Unit 1 The king's new clothes Lesson 1 课件(共67张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:4796689Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 The King's new clothes Lesson 1 There is / are… She/ He is… Talk about the characters on the picture. Hans Christian Anderson writed many fairy tales. The Little Match Girl The Ugly Duckling The Little Mermaid liked new clothes met two men ironic What do you know about the story Introduce Answer questions: 1.I’m very _____. I like _____ very much. Who can _____ new clothes for me 2. Who are they in the story 3. What did people say 4. What did the boy say Vocabulary Text Sentences Grammar Practice 目录 Vocabulary 形容词,表示“有魔法的、神奇的” 动词,表示“用魔术变出” 常用短语:a magic baby 神奇宝贝 eg: Liu Qian has many magic ideas. 刘谦有许多神奇的想法。 小练习: Harry Potter has a m_____ wand(魔杖;棒) . agic magic /'m d k/ Vocabulary PPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/ PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛:www. PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ Words 形容词,表示“聪明的”;其反义词为:foolish 常用短语:clever fingers 灵巧的手指 eg :Su Hai is a clever boy. 苏海是一个聪明的男孩。 小练习: ( )Lily is ___. She knows a lot about animals. A. foolish B. quiet C. clever C clever /'klev / Vocabulary Words 形容词,表示“傻的、愚蠢的”;其反义词为:clever 常用短语:foolish powder 海洛因 eg :You are foolish. It’s not a UFO. It’s a plane. 你真笨,那不是UFO,那是一架飞机。 小练习:( )The king isn’t wearing any clothes in the street. So he is _____. A. beautiful B. foolish C. clever B foolish /'fu l / Vocabulary Words 介词,表示“穿过”; 常用短语:walk through走过 look through浏览 eg : I am afraid to go through the forest alone. 我不敢一个人穿过森林。 小练习:The sunlight goes _____ the window and makes the room bright. A. through B. across C. over A through /θru / Vocabulary Words 动词,表示“笑、大笑”;其第三人称单数为:laughs。 现在分词为:laughing,过去式为:laughed,反义词为:cry 常用短语: laugh at 嘲笑 eg:Don’t laugh at the poor. 不要嘲笑穷人。 小练习: 我们不应该嘲笑老年人。 We shouldn’t _____ _____ the elderly. laugh at laugh /lɑ f/ Vocabulary Words 动词,表示“穿着、戴着”; 其第三人称单数为:wears,现在分词为:wearing 常用短语: leisure wear 休闲服 eg: Mr. Wang wears a new black coat。 王先生今天穿着一件新的黑色的外套。 小练习: Look! She’s _____(wear) a new dress. wearing wear /we / Vocabulary Vocabulary Words 动词,表示“大叫”; 常用短语:shout at/to 对......大喊 shout out 突然大叫 eg :It's wrong to swear and shout. 骂人和喊叫是不对的。 小练习:He had to _____ make himself heard above the wind. 他不得不大喊,好让别人能在风中听见。 shout to shout / a t/ Vocabulary Words 动词,表示“展示、参观” ... ...

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