
Unit 1 How can I get there?Part C Story time (课件 素材 共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:56次 大小:61656633Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) How can I get there (C) story time Unit 1 pep六年级上册Book7 hospital bookstore cinema park mall 购物商场 My Holiday Hi, I went to London on my Labour Day holiday! I visited the London Eye(伦敦眼). It was so great! I also visited the Thames(泰晤士河). It is a famous river in London . After that, I ate delicious food. I ate fish&chips . .It just like in China. How about your holiday London Eye 伦敦眼 伦敦眼,又称为千禧之轮,是世界上首座、也曾是世界上最大的观景摩天轮。总高度135米,伫立在伦敦泰晤士河南畔的兰贝斯区。 Thames 泰晤士河 泰晤士河是英国著名的“母亲河”,是英国境内最长的河流。河流从伦敦中心穿过,将伦敦一分为二,两岸有许许名胜古迹。上游以静态美著称于世,下游则是繁忙的商船。 Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥 British Museum 大英博物馆 Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 Big Ben 大本钟 Zoom and Zip went to London, too! What happened What... Where... Why... How... When... ... fish & chips炸鱼薯条 It looks tasty(美味的). Watch the answer 1. What does Zoom want to buy A. B. 2. Is the Thames far A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. √ √ Circle the words about places. 圈出和地点有关的单词。 Scene1:Zoom meet a boy. 场景一:Zoom 遇见一个男孩。 Scene2:Zoom meet a man. 场景一:Zoom 遇见一个男的。 Scene3:Zoom meet another man. 场景一:Zoom 又遇见一个男的。 Scene4:Zoom and Zip find the shop. 场景一:终于找到炸鱼薯条店了! Zip, look! Scene5:Zoom buys the fish & chips. 场景五:Zoom买炸鱼薯条。 OK! large 大份的 portion 分量 Three large portions of fish& chips and one small portion of fish&chips. Scene6:Zoom‘s stomache hurts. 场景六:Zoom吃撑了! stomache 胃 still 仍然 Group work Finish the mind map of your worksheet. 小组讨论,完成学习单上的思维导图。 Where London Eye why It's next to the film museum near the Thames. who How What Why does Zoom miss tanghulu Zoom and Zip. Go straight and turn left. Buy fish & chips. 3 large portions 1 small portion Retell the story Look at the mind map, try to retell the story. 在思维导图的提示下,试着复述故事内容。 Role play 角色扮演,6人一组。 Loudly and fluent 声音洪亮,语言流畅 Diversitied 表演形式多样 Vivid 表演生动,有动作 Good Very good Super I think London is ... If I went to London, I want to visit... Talk about London in your eyes. 谈谈你印象中的伦敦以及你想去哪里。 beautiful big/small pretty great attractive (有吸引力的) interesting amazing wonderful Food: Sanhetang, Huntun, Hot hot hot(麻辣烫)... Sight spots(景点): Sifang Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Zixuhu , Renmen Park, Shennongjia, Wulonghe... AboutShiyan Zoom is going to Shiyan next week, if you are a tour guide, can you inroduce Shiyan to Zoom Zoom 下周要来十堰如果你是个导游,能不能用几句话来介绍一下十堰的美食和景点呢? Hi, I am.... I am your tour guide. Welcome to Shiyan. There are... food in Shiyan, such as(比如))... and.... We can visit the... It's ... the ... We can take the No... bus to get there. We will have a good time. 1. Read the story with your parners. 2. Look for more informations about other ... ...

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