
【新课标】Unit 8 Collecting things 第4课时Speaking & Writing课件+音频

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:10次 大小:18480486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Collecting things Period 4 Speaking & Writing 牛津深圳·广州版 七年级上 1. Knowledge objectives: ① Describe your collection. ②Master the methods and rules in spelling and pronunciation. 2. Skill objectives: ① Recognize words containing / / /a / /w/ /j/. ② Understand the frame structure of the model text and be able to copy it. 3. Emotional objectives: Enhance the love of hobbies. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Master the structure of the article, imitate the structure and create your own. Learning objects Tongue Twister Lead in Challenge yourselves If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard, Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard 要是白粉笔在黑黑板上写白字,那黑粉笔能在白白板上写黑字么 Talk time Read loudly. Talk time 认识双元音/ /, / /是字母o 和字母组合,oa,ow 等在单词中的读音。朗读下列含有/ /的单词和句子。 hello no post home nose stone coat float road know low yellow The man in yellow has a big nose. Your coat is so beautiful. Talk time loud found south brown cow now The man found a cow near the house. I see a crowd around a mouse. 认识双元音/a /,/a /是字母组合ou, ow 等在单词中的读音。朗读下列含有/a /的单词和句子。 Talk time 认识辅音/w/,/w/ 是字母w 和字母组合wh 在单词 中的读音。朗读下列含有/w/ 的单词和句子。 wash watch way where white why What is the watch made of The worker in white is waiting for his wife. 认识辅音/j/,/j/ 是字母y 在单词中的读音。 朗读下列含有辅音/j/ 的单词和句子。 Talk time year yellow you The young girl in yellow is two years old. Have a go A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair. Have a go 1 A goat is going home by boat with Joe. 2 A brown cow is running around the town now. 3 Young Yoyo plays with a yellow yo-yo. 4 Wendy walks to school when the weather is warm. A2 Read these sentences. Pay attention to the letters in bold. Have a go 选出与所给音标发音相同的一项。 ( )1.[a ] A. snow B. slow C. grow D. down ( )2.[ ] A. window B. cow C. now D. brown ( )3.[w] A. who B. whose C. what D. whole ( )4.[j] A. girl B. you C. go D. dog ( )5.[t] A. three B. thank C. white D. math D A C B C Speak up You are going to interview three classmates about their collections. Follow the example. Hello, Harry. Do you collect anything Yes, I collect postcards. Speak up That’s interesting. When did you start collecting them I started two years ago. Which is your favourite postcard My favourite postcard is from the UK. It has a picture of Big Ben on it. Speak up I see. Thanks, Harry. You’re welcome. It is your turn now. Write down your classmates’ collections. Then report your findings to your classmates. Speak up S1 S2 S3 Do you collect anything / What do you collect When did you start collecting them Which is your favourite ... ... Show Times Have a go Writing What about your collection Pre-writing According to the fact, complete the form about your collection. you What’s your collection When did you start to collect Ho ... ...

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