
【新课标】Unit 8 Surprise endings 第3课时Grammar课件

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:92次 大小:18700319Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Surprise endings Period 3 Grammar 牛津深圳·广州版 九年级上 1. Knowledge objectives: Master regular collocations of prepositions with adjectives, nouns or verbs. 2. Skill objectives: Be able to correctly use collocations of prepositions with adjectives, nouns or verbs in specific contexts. 3. Emotional objectives: Be able to understand the importance of prepositions in English. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Cultivate students’ analytical ability and divergent thinking ability. Make students use the grammar rules to draw inferences from one instance. Learning objects Lead in Do you know these words? What are they? It is very important to master prepositions in your English learning. Lead in They are prepositions. A preposition shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word. It can't be used alone in a sentence. prep. v. Lead in What is a preposition n. pron. prep. Lead in small & common but powerful prep. Prepositions can help us show not just what took place, but where, how and when it took place, even whom something happened to. what who where when how What is a preposition magical 神奇的 It can be matched with different kinds of words. It can also help to enrich the meanings of words. flexible 灵活的 prep. adj. v. n. Lead in What is a preposition prep. flexible magical Lead in So, a preposition is powerful and plays an important role in sentences. The gifts by O. Henry Do you still remember the story What happened between Jim and Della Presentation Jim and Della had two possessions which they were both proud of. However, Christmas was coming, Della was worried about the Christmas gift. Can you find out prepositions in these sentences and underline the word before each preposition (adj.) (adj.) Some can be followed by prepositions. adjectives Presentation be bored with be happy with be ready for be tired of be certain about be interested in be strict with be worried about 对...感到疲惫 对...有把握 对...严格 对...厌倦 对...感兴趣 担心/忧虑... 对...感到高兴 为...做好准备 Here are some examples of adjectives with prepositions: Presentation be 接近于 相似,相同 恼怒 对厌倦 忙于…… 耐心 对……满意 坏了,出故障 受……欢迎 对……严格 close similar angry bored busy patient satisfied wrong popular strict to to with with with with with with with with Summary be + adj. + 介词 远离 富含;盛产 在……成功 对……感兴趣 入迷 害怕 喜欢 充满 自豪 缺乏 厌倦 away rich successful interested lost afraid fond full proud short tired from in in in in of of of of of of Summary be + adj. + 介词 be be + adj. + 介词 担心,害怕,紧张 高兴于,乐于 因某事而高兴 因……而闻名 对……有益 适合于 迟于 为……准备 对……抱歉 对……负责任 与……不同 nervous pleased happy famous good fit late ready sorry responsible different about about about for for for for for for for from Summary be 对……有害 对……忠诚的 擅长…… 对……有益 对……确信;有把握 没有意识到…… 为……感到羞耻 bad faithful good ... ...

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