

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:1596041Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022-2023人教版(PEP)六年级英语上学期期末备考-真题汇编卷-句子匹配与句图匹配 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、句子匹配 (2022·浙江湖州) A.No, he doesn’t. B.This evening. C.He’s a writer. D.She is sad. E. Usually, I come on foot. 1.How do you come to school ( ) 2.Does he live in Sydney ( ) 3.How does Sarah feel ( ) 4.What does Mo Yan (莫言) do ( ) 5.When are you going to the cinema ( ) (2021·浙江·宁波市) A.He goes there by plane. B.I'm very tired. C.He can go there on foot. D.I like playing football. E. Sounds great! 6.We are going to have a party tonight. ( ) 7.How can your father get there ( ) 8.What's wrong with you ( ) 9.It's very far. How does he go there ( ) 10.What's your hobby ( ) (2021·浙江宁波) A.Go straight and turn right. B.She is very angry with her cat. C.She likes singing. D.She works in a supermarket. E. Have a good time. 11.What is Sally's hobby ( ) 12.How does Ann feel ( ) 13.Where does your aunt work ( ) 14.We are going to take a trip to Shanghai. ( ) 15.How can we go to the post office ( ) (2021·浙江金华) A.It's near the restaurant. B.We are going to the cinema. C.Yes, he does. D.My mother is ill. E. I'm going to draw some pictures. 16.Where are you going ( ) 17.Where is the museum ( ) 18.What's wrong ( ) 19.What are you going to do ( ) 20.Does he like dancing ( ) (2021·浙江湖州) A.He lives on a farm. B.Turn left at the bookstore. C.To the bookstore. D.He feels happy. E. Yes, she does. 21.How does he feel now ( ) 22.Where are you going ( ) 23.Does she like going hiking ( ) 24.How can I get there ( ) 25.Where does he live ( ) 二、句图匹配 (2022·浙江湖州) A. B. C D E. 26.My aunt is a reporter. She is very helpful. ( ) 27.In China, people on e-bikes must wear a helmet. We must pay attention to the traffic lights too. ( ) 28.The Spring Festival is coming. I’m going to visit my grandparents in the countryside. ( ) 29.He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese. ( ) 30.We should do more exercises and keep healthy. ( ) (2021·浙江杭州) A. B. C. D. E. 31.Oliver: Robin, which is the bookstore I want to buy some books. ( ) Robin: Look at the map. Here it is. 32.Amy: Sarah, what are you going to do this weekend ( ) Sarah: I'm going to wash clothes. 33.John: What's Miss White's hobby ( ) Mike: She like reading stories very much. 34.Bob: What does your mother do ( ) Wu Binbin: She is a police officer. 35.Peter: How do you feel, Oliver ( ) Oliver: I am happy. I can go to the zoo. (2021·浙江·丽水市)给下列句子选择对应的图标。 A. B.C.D.E. 36.Tina likes seeing films. ( ) 37.Jake wants to look up new words in the E-dictionary. ( ) 38.Lily is going to listen to music. ( ) 39.Ben often talks to his friends on line. ( ) 40.Miss Green wants to know the weather of Lishui. ( ) (2022·浙江·宁波市)A. B. C. D. E. F. 41.Li Fei is going to buy some postcards in Fenghua. It’s about 10 kms (千米) away from his home. There is a bus stop ne ... ...

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