
【备考2023】高频话题7 健康与安全 贵州中考英语一轮复习写作专项学案

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:10次 大小:133916Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高频话题7 健康与安全 【命题研究】 健康与安全这个话题包括两个方面,一个是健康,一个是安全。健康又包括两个话题:体育锻炼和健康膳食。体育锻炼,可以写锻炼的必要性以及带来的好处。健康膳食包括健康膳食的好处以及健康饮食的具体做法。安全包括具体在哪些方面需要做好安全以及相应的保护措施,还有做好安全保护的重要性。 【素材积累】 常用词汇 1.learn some knowledge about self-protection学习一些自我保护的知识 2.keep calm 保持冷静 3.enhance the ability of self-protection 增强自我保护能力 4.shouldn't be nervous 不应该紧张 5.take appropriate measures to protect ourselves 采取适当措施保护自己 6.calm down 冷静 7.escape or prevent the violence 逃跑或防止暴力 8.making friends online 在网上交朋友 9.call the police or teachers as soon as possible 尽快打电话给警察或老师 10.tell parents before you go somewhere 在你去某个地方之前告诉父母 11.leave your parents a phone number of your friends 给你父母留个朋友的电话号码 12.eat less junk food 少吃垃圾食品 13.take care of our personal things 看好我们的私人物品 14.go swimming on our own 独自去游泳 15.Safety must come first.安全必须放在第一位 亮点句型 1. It's very important for us to keep healthy. 2.How to keep healthy should be learned by everyone. 3. We should form a good habit. 1. We should eat the food healthily. 2. We should do more exercise. 3. You mustn't smoke because it's bad for your health. 4. You'd better learn how to relax yourself when you are tired. 5. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle. You'd better go to bed early. 6.Everyone needs at least eight hours' sleep every day. 7.Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. 8.Don't drink too much coffee. Don't smoke. 9. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. 10. Please drink enough water every day. 1.I hope everyone can keep in good health. 2. Let's learn to look after ourselves and keep healthy. 3. I think we can also find some other ways to keep healthy. 4. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and it's important to keep a balanced diet. 1.Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。 2.Safety is a commodity. 安全就是商品。 3.Safety first. 安全第一。 【例文讲解】 树立自我保护意识,健康快乐地成长是每个青少年的必修课,下面是某地关心下一代工作委员会为青少年编写的《青少年自我保护、健康成长手册》的部分内容。作为一名中学生,写一篇文章,内容包括:①陈述你是怎样践行手册中提及的三条事项的;②补充至少一条你认为重要的其他事项。 Improve Child Self-protection Make children grow healthily 1.About traffic rules run the red light × cross the zebra walk(斑马线) √ 2.About food eat fruit and vegetables √ eat fast food × 3.About making friends meet strangers alone × help each other √ ? [要求] (1)语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; (3)词数:80-100,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how do I protect myself and grow up healthily Now let me share my experience and ideas with you. First, I always obey the traffic rules _____ _____ ... ...

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